13-09-2004 21:41:00
Anyone know if theres a blue one that glows??
I saw the purple one that glows blue but i dunt like purple... x
13-09-2004 21:43:35
i ordered the clear one that glows.
check out
the cum shot ->

http//www.fetenet2.com/iSkin/evo2/glow_shot.jpg[" alt=""/img8242133f08]
13-09-2004 22:35:54
You can also get Jam Jackets from Digital Lifestyle Outfitters...they're $20 each or $40 for a three pack...$45 for a three pack with the built-in swivel belt clip (like the kind that some cell phones use) They have glow-in-the-dark ones as well. Dont' remember the site you can buy em on, just Google it.
13-09-2004 22:48:25
Do they have those for 4th gen ipods?
13-09-2004 23:18:55
'ell if I know...I just saw them and they looked less expensive than the iSkin, except that now the ones with the belt clips are $30 which is the same as the iSkin...so I don't know what I'm buying yet.
Oh...sorry about not doing the link properly...I'll do better next time I promise.
14-09-2004 19:24:13
Im looking for a blue one that glows that same color (
Does it exist ?