01-04-2005 22:13:15
Has anyone made any banner ads for I want to add one to my website, however Gratis doesnt have one in their referral tools yet. Thanks
Here ya go...I just made this, because you requested it...everyone, please feel free to use it! I'm going to contact Gratis and see if they want to use it on their Referral Tools page...
Comments/criticism welcome!

[46860]http//[" alt=""/img12c15cab80]
Code to use it would be
[code112c15cab80]<a href="your-ref-code-here" title=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Free Digital Cameras"></a>[/code112c15cab80]
02-04-2005 12:00:42
That actually looks really good. If I had a place to post it, I might use it.
02-04-2005 13:47:40
Thanks! That looks really great!! On Gratis' homepage, it says they are having a contest to submit banner ads and you can win a free tshirt or something - you should submit it.
Heh, really think it looks good?
I took about an hour...well, less, but I had to work out a few kinks with having all the cams on the banner...
Never the less, you're very welcome, and I hope everyone enjoys using it!
[ia0d8423378]Edit Where is that banner contest thing? I can't seem to find it on[/ia0d8423378]
PS - It'd be pretty kickass if Gratis used my banner and a lot of people used it all over the internet...heh.
02-04-2005 14:50:02
[quote6bc3b40965="MSX"]Here ya go...I just made this, because you requested it...everyone, please feel free to use it! I'm going to contact Gratis and see if they want to use it on their Referral Tools page...
Comments/criticism welcome!

[46860]http//[" alt=""/img6bc3b40965]
Code to use it would be
[code16bc3b40965]<a href="your-ref-code-here" title=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Free Digital Cameras"></a>[/code16bc3b40965][/quote6bc3b40965]
02-04-2005 14:57:43
That would be an animated GIF
02-04-2005 16:34:42
[quoted1fb756fad="MSX"]Where is that banner contest thing? I can't seem to find it on[/quoted1fb756fad]Did you ever find it? Cause I know it was on that site somewhere
[quote509d2b0239="CoMpFrEaK"][quote509d2b0239="MSX"]Here ya go...I just made this, because you requested it...everyone, please feel free to use it! I'm going to contact Gratis and see if they want to use it on their Referral Tools page...
Comments/criticism welcome!

[46860]http//[" alt=""/img509d2b0239]
Code to use it would be
[code1509d2b0239]<a href="your-ref-code-here" title=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Free Digital Cameras"></a>[/code1509d2b0239][/quote509d2b0239]
Nah, animated GIF...did all of the graphic work in Photoshop CS, then used a GIF program to string it all together ;).
Oh, and I still haven't found that banner contest from Gratis...
02-04-2005 19:42:18
i think you send it to