12-10-2004 18:30:41
I want to sign up for freedesktoppc.com but I want to make sure I help somebody at the same time if I can (that's what makes this whole thing work, right). So, no strings attached, first person to respond I will sign up under.
12-10-2004 18:43:40
seriously awesome of you to do this, even if you decide to sign up under someone else.
12-10-2004 18:43:43
I need it!! ) and would greatly appreciate the referral.
Plus I will get your link on a conga so you can get some referrals for your link ;).
EDITli doh Malformed must have replied like a half a second before me lol. Serves me right for typing so much heheh.
12-10-2004 18:50:19
sign up under the donators link... that would be the right thing to do.
12-10-2004 18:50:59
what if we have been a donator ;). But I do agree that would be a nice idea
12-10-2004 19:06:00
that is true.
i have donated and plan to do so again, RoeCyris allready signed up under my ipod ref (which i donated for)
i donated for freeflatscreens and didnt get any completed refs, my link was posted twice.
so either way is cool with me.
i know... how about you sign up under my freeflatscreen ref, and sign up under jester's freedesktoppc ref? lol.
its all good, atleast RoeCyris was thinking about others instead of just himself.
12-10-2004 19:13:03
wow, i didnt expect so many replies so fast. But I have bad news, Corilaen IMed me and asked me before I checked this thread. So sorry to you all, congrats to Corilaen.
13-10-2004 14:47:27
lol u lazy feckers! Get ur friends to do it! ;)
23-12-2004 05:38:06
I also have one free referral to give away. It'd be nice if you could sign up for me in response, but not necessary. Just looking to be a nice guy and help someone reach their goal. First to respond gets the referral. Not trying to start anything here, just helping out a fellow cheapskate.
23-12-2004 09:30:42
I messaged you
23-12-2004 09:39:00
try reading....he already signed up for someone else.
23-12-2004 10:24:15
dang too bad there was this one friend of mine who needed only one more green before he could cash out...
but oh well.
yea i gave up on my fdpc account, hehe if anyone wants it i have 1 green
23-12-2004 10:50:59
[quoteb1dc842bdc="EatChex89"]dang too bad there was this one friend of mine who needed only one more green before he could cash out...
but oh well.
yea i gave up on my fdpc account, hehe if anyone wants it i have 1 green[/quoteb1dc842bdc]
Could always use 3 Dell 3000's wink
23-12-2004 10:54:32
alright, thanks to everyone who replied. i've got a taker.
23-12-2004 11:02:10
Hazbean, I responded here first, im'd you (you didn't respond), and Pm'd you not long after you posted....you said the first to respond.....or are you Roe Cyris?
23-12-2004 11:05:53
hrmm i have 1 green too for FDPC (
23-12-2004 11:09:00
I need one more green, I think this guy is just RoeCyris, who screwed me over last time anyways so whatever.
23-12-2004 11:24:16
College Graduit, congrats, it's Roe, and yoru account will now be put on hold because he has two accounts
23-12-2004 11:26:30
dude....wtf are you talking about?
23-12-2004 13:40:17
Which means he has two accounts
two accounts=hold
23-12-2004 19:05:43
so wtf does that have to do with CG? do you think he puts people on hold or something?
23-12-2004 19:15:08
[quote754d7f82ae="FreeOffersNow"]so wtf does that have to do with CG? do you think he puts people on hold or something?[/quote754d7f82ae]
That's exactly what I was wondering, people can be such idiots.
23-12-2004 19:50:34
Guess who got his referral? CG douchebag
23-12-2004 19:55:50
[quote555818a29a="joecansee"]Guess who got his referral? CG douchebag[/quote555818a29a]
Got his referral? Make some sense and go to hell. You fucking idiot bitch!!
23-12-2004 20:06:18

http//www.randomimage.us/files/confusing.jpg[" alt=""/imgf0695e9383]
23-12-2004 21:22:58
I am making sense, sorry you cannot comprehend it by just reading the title.
24-12-2004 06:14:28
Yah, it's pretty easy to make sense of, I just felt like calling you an "idiot bitch."
03-01-2005 07:57:10
[quote57f784cce2="ThisSunAlsoRises"]sign up under the donators link... that would be the right thing to do.[/quote57f784cce2]
No one care what right thing to do, dog eat dog world twisted