13-10-2004 18:22:25
Can anyone recommend a good pair of headphones? I'm planning on buying new headphones right when I get my iPod, and I'm willing to invest a decent amount of money into them (though not too much). I don't like the style that come with the ipod (those in-ear headphones drive me crazy). I need something that cups my ear, I don't mind them being a little larger in size as well.
13-10-2004 18:34:01
13-10-2004 18:41:45
i wouldnt go as far as saying they are the best.
13-10-2004 18:47:37
get the shure e2cs from freegiftplanet.com. I got mine yesterday and they really good, i definitely recommend it.
13-10-2004 18:54:06
[quote1e0508c966="DScala"]Can anyone recommend a good pair of headphones? I'm planning on buying new headphones right when I get my iPod, and I'm willing to invest a decent amount of money into them (though not too much). I don't like the style that come with the ipod (those in-ear headphones drive me crazy). I need something that cups my ear, I don't mind them being a little larger in size as well.[/quote1e0508c966]
[quote1e0508c966="xyclonez"]get the shure e2cs from freegiftplanet.com. I got mine yesterday and they really good, i definitely recommend it.[/quote1e0508c966]
hey xyclonez, u forgot he said he dosent like the in-ear headphones, but i do gotta agree with you, the shure headphones are sweet, my bro just got the e5c's ($500) and they are AMAZING, even though i only got to listen to one song on them, they could be the best headphones ever created.
13-10-2004 19:00:15
i got those too........dam the bass is freakin great......so strong and i like it.......good for techno/hippop/rap/r&b
13-10-2004 19:11:50
[quotecbb0db1d3d="XtAzY"]i got those too........dam the bass is freakin great......so strong and i like it.......good for techno/hippop/rap/r&b[/quotecbb0db1d3d]
yea the bass is amazing!
13-10-2004 19:46:39
Check out the Koss PortaPro headphones
13-10-2004 19:58:16
May want to read this
Many audiophiles are siding with the article... Bose is overrated.
13-10-2004 19:58:34
sony fontopia (40 dollar ones)
13-10-2004 22:28:13
Koss KSC-50. I've been using them for years, and they're great. I've even had to replace them a few times because I broke them doing stupid stuff...but its not that big of a deal because they're only like $15. But they sound great. They're alot better than my friend's $70 Sony headphones, and they're alot lighter too. The bass these things can pump out for the price is pretty awesome too. I bought a few pairs for my friends a few months ago too. You can find a review of them here http//gear.ign.com/articles/316/316980p1.html
And if you dont like them, they're cheap enough that you could go ahead and buy a more expensive pair if you want.
13-10-2004 23:19:09
try ipodlounge , i found their website quite usefull
they have good reviews http//www.ipodlounge.com/reviews.php
scroll down to the headphones ...
i was reading about the cases
14-10-2004 00:59:43
I don't like Bose either....
I have some Sennheiser HD-280 Pro's and they are great. You will look like an air traffic controller if you want to wear them around outside though. I also have some Sony MDR-7502's and MDR-7506's, which are both really nice, the 7506's being a bit nicer but more money. This is Sony's Pro Audio line, NOT to be confused with just about any other headphone's Sony makes. Don't get me wrong- they probably make nice headphones outside the Pro line, but I haven't heard more than a couple pair which I didn't care for. This line is made for studio monitoring.
Good luck... a cool combo having nice headphones and an iPod.
i have sony fontopia's too, there the best id definetly reccomend them
14-10-2004 04:34:36
i'd veto the boss headphones and 2nd the strong opinions on koss and sennheiser headphones, or perhaps the sony pro line.
if you want something a little cheaper look at the sony mdr-v700, shouldn't run you more than $100. something a little more stylish look at B&O, crisp but not great if you want to listen to anything outside of mid/high level frequencies.
14-10-2004 06:14:03
[quote0ce01cd504="DIGITALgimpus"]May want to read this
Many audiophiles are siding with the article... Bose is overrated.[/quote0ce01cd504]
I consider myself an audiophile, and I do think Bose is, in general, overrated...HOWEVER, I have heard some of their headphones, and they do sound good. I'm not saying they're better than everything out there, but they do indeed sound quite good. I have a Bose audio system in the car, and it sounds great for a stock stereo. I'm not much of a "car stereo" guy, but it does sound good.
Their home speakers and their home audio equipment? Some sounds fine, some sound terrible - all are too expensive. The only way Bose gets away with it is by trumpeting their research and development. Their Acoustic Wave system and all of their "acoustimass" integrated systems sound terrible - no midrange at all, and muddy bass, if any at all.
Sennheiser and Shure make some great headphones. I have an old (1989) pair of Sony pro headphones that are also great, plus they've lasted along time. I did have to replace the cushions, but that cost me $5. From recent Sony purchases, I'm not sure if I'd go down the Sony route at this time. I think they're cheaping out.
The best advice when buying headphones listen to them, hopefully using a good quality headphone preamp - not that crap at Best Buy.
14-10-2004 06:40:34
First of all, Bose is horrible. Please don't say Bose is good you haven't a clue what you're talking about.
Heres what I suggest for ipod earbuds
If you want to spend real money, get Etymotic ER-4's, they are far superior to anything else out there, but you will pay about 200-230dollars for them.
Etymotic ER-6's are cheaper, but not as great.
Shure E-2s are even cheaper, but even less great.
14-10-2004 07:05:33
Who the hell made you the headphone master? Now everyone listen to me...bose sucks, and my earphones are the best. Don't ask questions.
I will tell you from actual experience with the bose quiet comfort headphones (the older model). They rock, they sound great and the comfort is outstanding. They were purchased for $130 (the new ones are 300). While I can't recommend spending 300 bucks on the new bose headphones, I will say the older model is well worth 130. My parents own the lifestyles surround sound system, and I must say they pretty much suck. Just because Bose doesn't have a good surround sound system, their headphones are awesome.
After reading tons of reviews on headphones/earbuds i must say that for everyone who loves a product, there are an equal amount who hate it. There is no perfect set of headphones out there, unless you are willing to fork over $500 dollars.
14-10-2004 09:43:03
get like the ones that fit on your ear (not hte earbud ones) and then go around the back of your head, instead of the standard that go over your head..
16-12-2004 15:34:13
For those who haven't asked for anything for Christmas yet
Ask for the Etymotic ER-4P's, you can get them at $200 (I have to pay for half of it...) from www.earsonic.com Which is actually down at the time, but has the best price. Many audiophiles group them in the top 5 earphones ever.
17-12-2004 07:45:44
Firstly, you really have to have more than 2 pennies to rub together, in order to be an audiophile, unless you're into 5 fingered discounts. ;)
So, for me, I have been one of those poor unfortunate souls who actually buy Sony's, but having tried a few other styles that audiophiles use (earplugs, earbuds, over the ear, full cups), I've found that for my personal comfort, I prefer their headbanded in-the-ear types to be most comfortable.

http/" alt=""/img.idealo.de/folder/Product/16/9/16952/produktbild_gross.gif[/imgd6683c030d]
I just can't stand the those earplug ones you mention, not only as they feel awful, and are unsanitary, but they also block most outside sounds, which is great at home, or in an office, but not for crossing a street. The other low end earbud (fontopid etc) types are not forward facing in the ear, so most of the bass is lost, and they tend to fall out at the slightest pull.
Yes, I know my preferred 'phones are "cheap", but my dream is to one day see something more high end in this style. ;)
The closest, at least in price, was probably this [url==http//karenevil.tripod.com/aku/aku41.htm]ltd edt one[=http//karenevil.tripod.com/aku/aku41.htm]ltd edt one[/url], and those just looked nice.
At least we can all laugh at the people who stick with what comes with the pod because they're white. ;)
17-12-2004 15:41:48
Have you ever tried the Etymotics? Because you sound like you have.
The advantages outweigh the disadvantages by a lot. And I don't see how can find noise isolation as a downside. You shouldn't listen to any music while crossing a street unless they leak everything in, which my Sony's most certainly do.
17-12-2004 20:11:56
I've tried ones like the Etymotics (I actually am unsure of the brand, but they were of that type), but as I said, I can't stand how they feel, just as I couldn't stand using earplugs when swimming.
I prefer the type I mentioned, due to their comfort. Are they inferior in sound reproduction in comparison to the others mentioned? Sure they are.
As for noise isolation, in comaprison to earplugs and full cupped 'phones, these, by design, allow enough "leak in" at moderate volume that I feel safe enough crossing those streets. (I can then punp it up later, and get a pretty good bass response) The others block quite a bit more, even when they are unplugged.
But no matter how good those earplugs sound, if they feel like something crawled in and died in your ear, then it's something you shouldn't go for. ;)
18-12-2004 15:10:36
Do you have small ear canals (I do, but that's what the foamies are for) and did you ever try the foam ear pieces?
EDIT FedEx dropped them off today, but I can't open them until Christmas P.
18-12-2004 15:21:37
wait, so you don't have to put the foam pieces onto the ear phones unless you have small ear canals?
18-12-2004 15:36:23
It doesn't really matter. They're just more universal than the silicone ear pieces.
I'll post how they are after Christmas.
18-12-2004 18:54:40
[quote86d0b9a652="LedFloyd"]Do you have small ear canals (I do, but that's what the foamies are for) and did you ever try the foam ear pieces?[/quote86d0b9a652]
Hey, my canals are [i86d0b9a652]fine[/i86d0b9a652]. (Don't wanna scare off the chicks) ;)
Nah, haven't tried em with the foamies, but from what I've seen, they're like hollowed out foam earplugs. (Which aren't as bad as the silicone, but still can't stand 'em)
18-12-2004 21:52:26
Well I guess you're part of the 10% of people who find them uncomfortable or just won't fit. We still don't know if you used Etymotic's or Shures or some other brand. Were they flanged or were they ball-like?
18-12-2004 22:16:56
maybe he's an elf ;)
18-12-2004 22:38:12
[quote8c9acb1801="Tholek"][quote8c9acb1801="LedFloyd"]Do you have small ear canals (I do, but that's what the foamies are for) and did you ever try the foam ear pieces?[/quote8c9acb1801]
[b8c9acb1801]Hey, my canals are [i8c9acb1801]fine[/i8c9acb1801]. (Don't wanna scare off the chicks) ;)[/b8c9acb1801]
Nah, haven't tried em with the foamies, but from what I've seen, they're like hollowed out foam earplugs. (Which aren't as bad as the silicone, but still can't stand 'em)[/quote8c9acb1801]
Not like there are many of them around here anyways ;).
19-12-2004 04:40:04
Looking at pics, I think they might have been Shure's, as they had that christmas tree type of earplug, but I'm not sure of the colour.
Balls or Flanges, either way, they're just not for me.... ;)
20-12-2004 11:12:25
[quote066d37868c="DIGITALgimpus"]May want to read this
Many audiophiles are siding with the article... Bose is overrated.[/quote066d37868c]
I agree, but if people would buy them for that high of price, wouldn't you sell them??? lol
23-12-2004 19:21:40

http//www.sonystyle.com/intershoproot/eCS/Store/en/imagesProducts/650x650/MDREX71SLWK.jpg[" alt=""/imgc2222e41a4]
23-12-2004 22:58:19
I agree, but if people would buy them for that high of price, wouldn't you sell them??? lol
Hmm... Maybe I should sell These Bose Triports.