The HP Switch: Doomsday
15-10-2004 22:48:51
Apparently if you switched to HP or selected the HPod, you are marked for yet more waiting. People who didn't switch or select that mofo are getting shipped, while us who selected it are doomed to wait more...apparently as long a gratis wants. Post your "i wish i wouldn't have shipped to that piece of shit HP" replies here!!
15-10-2004 22:51:20
i switched yet i shipped tonight. the ref erence # is for an ipod. sorry guys. patience is a virtue.
15-10-2004 22:52:44
Ok, maybe it's not like that since i just learned ipodface got shipped today even when she selected the HPod...her STV is 9/8. Then where the fuck is my ipod!? I tried to wait but patience is starting to go away and I'm starting to breakout..............................................

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15-10-2004 22:54:24
o,so we're not toaly fucked, non of the 9/15s just didnt ship. well its not as bad as the 8 ppl, alot of them been waiting for over 2 months... i hope it ships by the end of this month or at latest when eminem's album comes out
15-10-2004 22:57:22
its wacky randomness due to demand, not much you can do but sit back and wait ypu know. i honestly didn't think i'd get mine until thanksgiving. i wish gratis and apple had taken care of people before me though its just the nice thng to do.
sleep deprivation turns me into mary poppins.
15-10-2004 22:59:58
hacktek like sin said, sit back and wait, thats what im doing, just downloading movies music, going to movie theatre, in other words chillin, when it comes it comes, but it would be cool if it came before nov 16th
15-10-2004 23:03:58
yeah, if you need something to pass the time i have 3 mid term papers that need to be done..... ?
15-10-2004 23:14:18
get a fucking project every fucking week, no breaks or anything, its getting annoying as fuck. but i still do it in class andwatch tv at home. im leaving my school in march thats when i get my license
15-10-2004 23:18:52
I went STV on 9/16 and just switched over to shipped at 102 AM central. Thank God. I was beginning to think it would never ship. I switched over to the HPod on the 22nd of September so the switch doesn't matter. Good luck. It seems like they're sending a shitload out so I hope you all get yours soon.
15-10-2004 23:19:12
ditto, fall break is 2 days of writing and studying for tests. come may i'm taking my worthless B.A. and flying out of this pit with my ipod in tow.
Gratis said they should be caught up on old orders within a week or so if all goes as planned.
16-10-2004 05:58:39
I didn't switch and I didn't ship yet so I don't think that mattered hacktek. People after me after shipped though.
just wait til he finds out its too small for his big green fingers.
16-10-2004 10:21:28
oh man...he's gonna be MAD!
16-10-2004 11:48:23
im 9/8 still STV =(
16-10-2004 11:54:41
[quote710413da27="Lunarpancake"]im 9/8 still STV =([/quote710413da27]
i beat u, im 8/17 and still stv.
16-10-2004 12:08:50
xyclonez... I'm just curious, but what state are you in? I still think there's something to the area of the country or something. It makes no sense you're an 8/17 and not shipped when people after me (9/15) have shipped.
16-10-2004 12:18:09
I was an 8/10 stv and I changed about a week after the ipod offer came out and I got mine. The thing is however, that they required a signature. My account didn't say shipped until almost 3 weeks after receiving the ipod. What I'm aiming at is that you might have gotten it shipped to you, and not been home when it got delivered /
16-10-2004 12:19:02
nah opious and i both are 8/17 and we both havn't been shipped.
16-10-2004 12:44:30
there's a couple comin to my zip, so im hoping mines in there and my status hasnt changed.
any other 12110's out there? if so there's atleast 2 comin this way.
16-10-2004 19:11:56
xyclones your turn is coming up soon. i'm an 8/13 and i got shipped on friday.
I switched to HP iPod around 9/15.