16-10-2004 17:19:42
omg i finally shiped...all of the painful days of crying and stuff......STV on 9/7 and changed to ship on friday, thursday or wendays!!! SO Do U GUYS think its coming on monday!??
16-10-2004 17:22:55
you cried?
16-10-2004 17:34:07
rofl, congrats
16-10-2004 17:37:34
YES! why wouldnt i! its da shizzle my nizzle off the hizzle for gizzle...NEways LOlz
DO u guys think its coming monday! hopefully they dont deliver b4 1 cuz thats when my sister get home!
16-10-2004 17:38:32
u only been waitin a month. big deal. congrats tho
16-10-2004 17:45:44
i hope they deliever it when you want them to, lol
annnnd you can track it from fedex, i think..
16-10-2004 17:51:42
Yeh i trackeed it down...and it said its at my local fed ex...but its schedule to arrive on the 20th? does it take 4 days to deliver it to me when its like 15 mins away?
16-10-2004 17:52:04
[quoteb88a83e68c="wordz"]YES! why wouldnt i! its da shizzle my nizzle off the hizzle for gizzle...NEways LOlz
DO u guys think its coming monday! hopefully they dont deliver b4 1 cuz thats when my sister get home![/quoteb88a83e68c]
You represent the collective wisdom of the Bush voters.
liRay makes an "L" on his forehead at wordzli
16-10-2004 18:19:37
true dat. lol lol lol lol
16-10-2004 19:01:25
what does that asshat have to do with Bush voters?
16-10-2004 19:05:38
Bush = King of Asshats.
He's obviously one of Bush's peons.
16-10-2004 19:46:35
[quote849cd89c67="alexvega"]what does that asshat have to do with Bush voters?[/quote849cd89c67]
Perhaps I was referring to his signature which says "VOTE FOR BUSH".
You must be a Bush voter too.
16-10-2004 20:04:49
Dont get me started with Kerry.
16-10-2004 20:06:09
[quote3150e75fee="Lunarpancake"]Dont get me started with Kerry.[/quote3150e75fee]
his head looks like a horse.. i swear
16-10-2004 20:13:38
omg you just say that because georgy boy looks EXACTLY like a chimp.
16-10-2004 20:21:18
A horse's ass would probably do a better job as president. Anyone is better than Bush.
16-10-2004 20:23:31
[quote9125e9ba99="MobstaJ"]A horse's ass would probably do a better job as president. Anyone is better than Bush.[/quote9125e9ba99]
but kerry is fucking sissy
16-10-2004 20:25:54
Kerry looks like a Q-Tip
16-10-2004 20:48:00
[quote429b6ef381="xyclonez"][quote429b6ef381="MobstaJ"]A horse's ass would probably do a better job as president. Anyone is better than Bush.[/quote429b6ef381]
but kerry is fucking sissy[/quote429b6ef381]
You should take a look at what Kerry has done for our country in terms of serving in the armed forces. Then compare that to the fact that Bush didn't do shit in the armed forces except fuck off.
And besides looking like a chimp, every time I look at him, all I see is a rich, smug fuck who wants to screw over the middle class. Who cares what either of them "look like". Kerry wants what's best for average hardworking americans. As someone who busts their ass off in a warehouse all day and doesn't make the worlds most impressive pay, I would rather see tax cuts for the people that need them. I would also like to think that maybe one day I'll see some of that money that I put into Social Security. With a second term of Bush, I guarantee you all this will NEVER happen.
Oh yea, and if anyone saw the debates, I think it's pretty clear that Kerry won most, if not all of them. Bush stuttered, sometimes forgot what he was saying, and spent most of his time trying to counter what Kerry said by saying "He can't do that".
But whatever. If you think this country has gotten any better over the past 4 years under bush's rule, then go ahead and vote for him.
16-10-2004 20:54:58
I think I'll vote for the president the terrorists and France don't want in office. Also, in general I vote for who the Hollywood elite, truly our National Treasure, doesn't want in office. Finally, I typically vote for the guy the New York Times doesn't endorse.
Imagine a Kerry presidency and the guys he'll put into cabinet positions. You know who that wil include...that's right, Ted Kennedy. Just look at the loons that the DNC is parading out to back their candidate...Jimmy Carter? In the early 90s the DNC wanted the Carter presidency erased from the record books, and now the guy is their hero? Wow.
16-10-2004 20:55:46
[quote905b9a69f7="xyclonez"][quote905b9a69f7="MobstaJ"]A horse's ass would probably do a better job as president. Anyone is better than Bush.[/quote905b9a69f7]
but kerry is fucking sissy[/quote905b9a69f7]
Have you seen footage from Iraq? Not the controlled crap that they show on the news. It's horrible. There will be some Americans just walking around then a bombs triggers, and you see legs and arms fly off. They are screaming so loud and the other soldiers have to treat for shock and get medical attention fast. This has happend to 22,000 US soldiers and 1,000+ have died. So you're going to not like a person because he cares about other people?
And the dead count for Iraqi CIVILIANS is like over 20,000
16-10-2004 20:57:52
heh, i love how its a all about a free ipod, and then all of the sudden it breaks out into a bushVS.Kerry debate.
America = land of the free, and the home of the bbs opinions.
16-10-2004 21:19:17
[quote6ff88031d2="BlingKing"][quote6ff88031d2="xyclonez"][quote6ff88031d2="MobstaJ"]A horse's ass would probably do a better job as president. Anyone is better than Bush.[/quote6ff88031d2]
but kerry is fucking sissy[/quote6ff88031d2]
Have you seen footage from Iraq? Not the controlled crap that they show on the news. It's horrible. There will be some Americans just walking around then a bombs triggers, and you see legs and arms fly off. They are screaming so loud and the other soldiers have to treat for shock and get medical attention fast. This has happend to 22,000 US soldiers and 1,000+ have died. So you're going to not like a person because he cares about other people?
And the dead count for Iraqi CIVILIANS is like over 20,000[/quote6ff88031d2]
You don't know much about politics. If kerry pulls out of iraq, he will increase al qaeda ego in which they will think that they won. This will make America look weak and then they will try to attack even more.
16-10-2004 21:31:07
You should take a look at what Kerry has done for our country in terms of serving in the armed forces.
He served in Vietnam, apparently got either shot or nicked a few times, put himself in for some purple hearts, then got sent home in six months.
Then compare that to the fact that Bush didn't do shit in the armed forces except fuck off.
Signed up for the National Guard, trained and flew in a jet fighter, then was honorably discharged at a time when the Vietnam war was ending. We National Guard veterans think John Kerry is a great guy for constantly reminding us we never served our country.
Imagine a political party who in 1992 thought an admitted draft dodger would make a great president while in 2004 a National Guard member isn't good enough.
And besides looking like a chimp, every time I look at him, all I see is a rich, smug fuck
Please, vote for the candidate who has the LEAST money.
[quote09a8a7313f] who wants to screw over the middle class.
...like giving them a tax break? Yes, it really sucks to be in the middle class under a president who is letting us keep more of our money. Who got a tax break under Bush? Everybody who payed federal income tax. Did those who make more money get more back? Of course - they paid in more. Did those who paid nothing get anything back? No. Why would they?
Who cares what either of them "look like". Kerry wants what's best for average hardworking americans.
Sure he does, because that's what he says ad nauseum. What's great is that you'll never hear who exactly is the "average hardworking Americans" he's talking about. That's the great thing about class warfare - claim you're for "the little guy" and never say who that guy is. Kerry knows most people will place themselves in that role. If elected, Kerry will do exactly what Clinton did...promise a tax cut, then he's say, "we need to do the responsible thing and ask that people contribute more." Meanwhile, he'll continue to try to spend his way into a second term, making promises he can't keep. As a fiscal conservative, I can also say that I think Bush sold out is spending too much money, as well.
As someone who busts their ass off in a warehouse all day and doesn't make the worlds most impressive pay, I would rather see tax cuts for the people that need them.
[/quote09a8a7313f] EVERYBODY needs them.
I would also like to think that maybe one day I'll see some of that money that I put into Social Security.
Under Kerry, it will never happen. Why? There is absolutely positively NO way Social Security can remain solvent with the baby boom starting to cash out. He would love for you to believe that the "tax cut for the rich" could pay for it, but unfortunately every actuary in the country knows this to be a bald-faced lie.
With a second term of Bush, I guarantee you all this will NEVER happen.
A guarantee, eh? Bush is proposing that in addition to Social Security, people can elect (no, they're not forced to, but they can CHOOSE to) put a PORTION (not all) of their money in private investments. That's a radical idea - let people control their own money. They could let the government do it, but considering the rate of return on Social Security, I'd rather not, thanks.
Oh yea, and if anyone saw the debates, I think it's pretty clear that Kerry won most, if not all of them.
Yes, President Bush is not a great speaker. He's unpolished and not a good debater. He's like, well, most people. Kerry's been bullshitting his way through on the Senate floor for years. He's learned to lie right to the camera without flinching.
Bush stuttered, sometimes forgot what he was saying, and spent most of his time trying to counter what Kerry said by saying "He can't do that".
[/quote09a8a7313f] Because he can't do that. Kerry has promised to spend TRILLIONS of dollars during his presidency, and that amount will only go up, and EVERYBODY is going to have to pay for it. It's amazing that a guy who claims to be for "creating jobs" wants to tax the hell out of any company that wants to create jobs. Additionally, Kerry wants to sign us back up for that stupid Kyoto sellout, thereby making us look even more unattractive in the global marketplace. Oh yeah, and his two-bit line about, "we need to stop giving tax incentives to companies that move overseas," is another work of fiction. Guess what those companies will do if they're taxed. Nothing. The tax break is nothing compared to the costs they don't have to incur by being overseas. What costs? High labor cost, liability, and the incredible amount of regulation companies have to deal with...most, of course, passed by Democrats. What does Kerry want to do? He wants even MORE regulations. Good idea.
But whatever. If you think this country has gotten any better over the past 4 years under bush's rule, then go ahead and vote for him.[/quote09a8a7313f]
Well, I sat through eight years of Bill Clinton ineptitude, so I'll be ok no matter what happens. Under Clinton I saw my country attacked by terrorists four times and watched him as he did...nothing. I sat by as Iraq placated the UN while buying off countries in that "Oil for Food" game. I watched as Clinton smiled after his North Korea "victory", all the while every watchdog in the world said that North Korea continued to work on nuclear weapons. Finally, I also heard John Kerry echo everything George Bush has said about Iraq...Saddam was a tyrant, a strategic threat, and must be dealt with. Where's the smoking gun, you ask? In the world of nuclear weapons, the only smoking gun is a mushroom cloud, and if you've read the CIA's report, old Saddam was ready to go ahead just as soon as the UN was placated.
16-10-2004 21:34:56
Alot of you people don't realize why we had to go to war with Iraq. It was a very good decision; better safe than sorry.
Okay, say we didn't go to war and Iraq had weapons of mass destruction you would be blaming bush, wouldn't you?? You would blame him for not trying to remove weapons of war; no wait, you wouldnt you would be dead.
Second, Bush just didn't decide to go to war with Iraq he had many advisiors and much information that led to his decision. Also, we didn't go to war against Iraq we went against Bin Laden, Suddam.
Didn't you guys read in the paper about how the poor iraqis were being tortured and whatnot?? We went to war to help THEM.
Third, you shouldn't vote based on looks...
Fourth, if you should vote for Bush and let him drill for oil in Alaska if you want these fu##ing gas prices to go down!!
Fifth, [quotebdfa862e8e]If kerry pulls out of iraq, he will increase al qaeda ego in which they will think that they won. This will make America look weak and then they will try to attack even more.[/quotebdfa862e8e] I agree with that, he is 100% right...
16-10-2004 21:40:40
Hey how about those free ipods?
16-10-2004 22:00:19
kerry shot himself in the leg to get a purple heart p...then he backstabbed his serving countrymen by calling them mindless village razers in front of congress.
16-10-2004 22:01:47
If kerry pulls out of iraq, he will increase al qaeda ego in which they will think that they won. This will make America look weak and then they will try to attack even more.[/quoteee25a37610]
When are people going to realize that al qaeda and Iraq are not the same. Bush and his administration keep telling us they are the same but the 911 commission has proven otherwise. And now we're stuck cleaning up that shit in Iraq. People are dying over there every day because of Bush and his shitty intelligence. In the process of conquering Iraq Bush has brewed up more terrorists than we've ever had before. If you think you're safer now than you were before 911 you're fucked in the head.
I'm not the biggest fan of Kerry but it doesn't take much to be better than Bush. Vote Kerry
16-10-2004 22:06:28
yeah so if we sat and did nothing after 911 we would be much safer, good call. btw, kerry voted to go into iraq so we would still be in the same mess..
If kerry pulls out of iraq, he will increase al qaeda ego in which they will think that they won. This will make America look weak and then they will try to attack even more.[/quotea7391bb4cd]
When are people going to realize that al qaeda and Iraq are not the same. Bush and his administration keep telling us they are the same but the 911 commission has proven otherwise. And now we're stuck cleaning up that shit in Iraq. People are dying over there every day because of Bush and his shitty intelligence. In the process of conquering Iraq Bush has brewed up more terrorists than we've ever had before. If you think you're safer now than you were before 911 you're fucked in the head.
I'm not the biggest fan of Kerry but it doesn't take much to be better than Bush. Vote Kerry[/quotea7391bb4cd]
Please don't vote or get involved in politics if you aren't going to take you're head out of your ass. If you are concered about Iraq, you would know that whether Bush or Kerry gets elected, the both want to send more troops into Iraq.
16-10-2004 22:10:16
[b5daf42f394][[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[back to subject]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]][/b5daf42f394][/size5daf42f394]
so how about them free ipods....
16-10-2004 22:40:41
When are people going to realize that al qaeda and Iraq are not the same. Bush and his administration keep telling us they are the same but the 911 commission has proven otherwise.
So, I'd love it if you could show us exactly when and where they said they are the same. Let me guess...a Michael Moore movie snipet, perhaps???
Fahrenheit shows Condoleezza Rice saying, "Oh, indeed there is a tie between Iraq and what happened on 9/11." The audience laughs, and Moore's position affirmed. Here is what Rice really said on the CBS Early Show, Nov. 28, 2003
"Oh, indeed there is a tie between Iraq and what happened on 9/11. It’s not that Saddam Hussein was somehow himself and his regime involved in 9/11, but, if you think about what caused 9/11, it is the rise of ideologies of hatred that lead people to drive airplanes into buildings in New York. This is a great terrorist, international terrorist network that is determined to defeat freedom. It has perverted Islam from a peaceful religion into one in which they call on it for violence. And they're all linked. And Iraq is a central front because, if and when, and we will, we change the nature of Iraq to a place that is peaceful and democratic and prosperous in the heart of the Middle East, you will begin to change the Middle East."
This lie has been repeated over and over, yet never...ever...has the president said that Al Qaeda and Iraq ARE the same. Is Al Qaeda in Iraq now? Yes, and I'd rather they be there than here.
What can never be disputed, however, is that Saddam Hussein was indeed a nut. A nut with a lot of money, power, idle time, and a solid history of agression against his neighbors. He constantly defied the do-nothing UN whenever he could, and he was STILL bent on obtaining WMDs, as shown in the Iraq Survey Group's final report. He had the patience to wait out the UN, get them out of his country, then start things up again. It's too bad we couldn't have done the same in North Korea.
Oh, and for those who like to throw the rheotrical question, "why didn't Bush do something about North Korea," one million. That's the number of estimated casualties incurred during THE FIRST 24 HOURS of a Korean penninsula war. Take a look at a map and look where Seoul is relationship to the DMZ. That's long-range artillery range. So, if you'd like to use the "why not North Korea" argument, I hope you're ready for a real war.
Iran? As long as Israel is within range, you won't have to worry about Iran building any nuclear weapons. The children of the Islamic 'revolution' have about had it with the nuts running the place, too.
And now we're stuck cleaning up that shit in Iraq. People are dying over there every day because of Bush and his shitty intelligence.
"His?" It's the same intelligence that Clinton and Kerry saw, and both of them came to the same conclusion that Bush did. The British thought the same...as did the Russians...and Israel....and, yes, France. What the CIA survey group DID find, as noted in their final report, is that Saddam was trying to placate the UN while maintaining the research and dual-use facilities. He had every intention of starting the programs back up. Meanwhile, he (indeed, Iraq's strategic decisions were made by him and him alone) Again, be it now or in ten years, Saddam Hussein would have gotten our attention militarily. Thankfully we were able to do so before he built a few thermonuclears.
In the process of conquering Iraq Bush has brewed up more terrorists than we've ever had before.[/quotedc9065e904] Terrorists indeed are afraid of a democratic Iraq. Iran is afraid of it, too. Saudi Arabia is afraid, as well. The terrorists want to fight to the death where the Americans are in Iraq. Appease them.
If you think you're safer now than you were before 911 you're fucked in the head.
As far as going, 'back to subject,' it's the weekend, they don't ship during the weekend, so what possibily could I have to offer. Just in case...
1. My iPod hasn't shipped yet.
2. My iPod won't ship this weekend.
3. I'm hoping it will ship next week.
4. Droning on and on about #1 - #3 is not very useful right now.
5. Contrary to #4, I did, in fact, complain in a previous post this morning.
I'll take Osama running amongst the hills rather than him setting up shop in friendly Taliban Afghanistan, thanks.
16-10-2004 22:59:32
so true. would you rather have the war on terror here or over there?
16-10-2004 23:03:09
hey hey hey, lets just end this debate with
fuck bush
fuck bush
fuck bush
fuck bush
fuck bush
fuck bush
16-10-2004 23:04:44
[quote631d868a77="saiyajin822"]so true. would you rather have the war on terror here or over there?[/quote631d868a77]
you dumbass, americans are still dying, whether its here or over there, u fuckin deusche
16-10-2004 23:08:24
As I said in another post
"I really dont like the whole BS reason of freeing the Iraqi people from Saddam because right now they are not any better. Right now they are in more danger than back with Saddam - at least he kept the government secular and had some control over the population. The shit about "he used gas on his own citizens" is retarded, because if we had REALLY cared about that we would have acted on that back when it happened (immediately following first gulf war). After the first Gulf War there were rebels in the north and south of Iraq that planned to revolt and overthrow Saddam, these rebels (along with Saudi Arabia) asked for access to Iraqi weapons caches that the US military had control of. The US denied them access for one reason, they didn't want Saddam to lose power. He was the only thing that had control of the region, allowing western oil companies to come in and export their goods. If you think about it, there is really no moral or humanitarian reason behind the war or we would have acted a long time ago, and at the time when Saddam posed the biggest threat (1988 when we and other western nations gave him funding and weapons to try to crush Khomeini-Iran, which he didn't succeed in doing even after the Iranian military was in ruin after their revolution which led to Khomeini). "
16-10-2004 23:40:47
[quote0b10be7822]So, I'd love it if you could show us exactly when and where they said they are the same. Let me guess...a Michael Moore movie snipet, perhaps??? [/quote0b10be7822]
[b0b10be7822]Bush (Jan. 28, 2003)[/b0b10be7822] [i0b10be7822]"Evidence from intelligence sources, secret communications, and statements by people now in custody reveal that Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of al Qaeda. Secretly, and without fingerprints, he could provide one of his hidden weapons to terrorists, or help them develop their own."[/i0b10be7822]
[b0b10be7822]Bush June 17 2004 [/b0b10be7822] [i0b10be7822]"The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and Al Qaeda" is "because there was a relationship between Iraq and Al Qaeda." "This administration never said that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated between Saddam and Al Qaeda. We did say there were numerous contacts between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda. For example, Iraqi intelligence officers met with bin Laden, the head of Al Qaeda, in the Sudan. There's numerous contacts between the two."[/i0b10be7822]
[b0b10be7822]Cheny (June 17, 2004)"[/b0b10be7822][i0b10be7822]There clearly was a relationship. It's been testified to. The evidence is overwhelming," Cheney said in an interview with CNBC's "Capitol Report."[/i0b10be7822]
[i0b10be7822]"It goes back to the early '90s. It involves a whole series of contacts, high-level contacts with Osama bin Laden and Iraqi intelligence officials."[/i0b10be7822]
Clearly the Bush administration was trying to make it sound as though there was an Iraq-al qaeda connection, a connection which never existed.
17-10-2004 06:26:54
...And besides looking like a chimp, every time I look at him, all I see is a rich, smug fuck who wants to screw over the middle class. Who cares what either of them "look like". Kerry wants what's best for average hardworking americans. As someone who busts their ass off in a warehouse all day and doesn't make the worlds most impressive pay, I would rather see tax cuts for the people that need them. I would also like to think that maybe one day I'll see some of that money that I put into Social Security. With a second term of Bush, I guarantee you all this will NEVER happen.
OMG, you don't actually believe this crap, do you?
Screw over the middle class?? Did you, or did you not get a tax cut under George Bush? Everybody did. Why can't you understand that? Do you also realize that the top 2 percent of wage earners pay 85 percent of the total federal tax??? How much more should these people pay? In case you don't understand, just because you don't have, doesn't mean you penalize those who do. These are the people who GIVE YOU A JOB. So go ahead, tax 'em more, all they have to do is cut a few jobs to pay more taxes -- hope it's not yours.
You think Bush is a rich smug fuck, and think Kerry, the epitome of a priveleged, out of touch liberal, is looking out for the "middle class." Oh please. As a member of the low end of the middle class, I don't want Kerry near my family. The man has a 20-year career in the Senate and hasn't done anything except raise taxes, expand the government, and waffle on issues. He's dangerous to the security of this country.
And Social Security. If your Kerry is elected, you will NEVER see your Social Security because this chump won't fix it. You should be supporting Bush's plan to privatize because it's the only way you'll get a nickel of what you've put in. Open your damn eyes.
But hey, I'm assuming you're a union worker since you work in a warehouse... and quite frankly, Unions are all about "me, me, me" so I can understand why you'd support Kerry... he'll just give everybody everything they want, won't he? Al Queda will be attacking us, but hey, you'll have government subsidized health care, so who cares?
And one more thing, if you don't like your job, how about going to night school and learning a new trade... maybe one where you can make a better living. Oh wait, that would be taking control of your own life... better to wait for John Kerry to give you everything and tax those rich MFers.
Who looks more like you and your family?

http//mysite.verizon.net/res87dyn/pic27624.jpg[" alt=""/img13c73a78c0]
17-10-2004 07:09:41
[be047341f24]Bush (Jan. 28, 2003)[/be047341f24] [ie047341f24]"Evidence from intelligence sources, secret communications, and statements by people now in custody reveal that Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of al Qaeda. Secretly, and without fingerprints, he could provide one of his hidden weapons to terrorists, or help them develop their own."[/ie047341f24]
Evidence from intellgence sourced DID show this. Again, this is the same intelligence that Kerry and Clinton saw and saw the same danger as President Bush. He didn't say "has provided."
[be047341f24]Bush June 17 2004 [/be047341f24] [ie047341f24]"The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and Al Qaeda" is "because there was a relationship between Iraq and Al Qaeda." "This administration never said that the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated between Saddam and Al Qaeda. We did say there were numerous contacts between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda. For example, Iraqi intelligence officers met with bin Laden, the head of Al Qaeda, in the Sudan. There's numerous contacts between the two."[/ie047341f24]
Again, Bush was being told by intelligence source - both ours and others (including Egypt) - that this had indeed happened. Given evidence of it, why wouldn't he say this? While it may have been wrong, it was not, unfortunately, a lie. Sorry. Clinton blew up a pharamceutical factory in the Sudan during his administration, but he'd been told that it was a dual-use facility run by Iraqi intelligence to create chemical weapons. Did he lie? No. This incident was used by Republicans to prove a "wag the dog" move by Clinton. In hindsight, which liberals are always so good at, it turns out that Clinton and the intelligence he used - was almost certainly correct.
[be047341f24]Cheny (June 17, 2004)"[/be047341f24][ie047341f24]There clearly was a relationship. It's been testified to. The evidence is overwhelming," Cheney said in an interview with CNBC's "Capitol Report."[/ie047341f24]
[ie047341f24]"It goes back to the early '90s. It involves a whole series of contacts, high-level contacts with Osama bin Laden and Iraqi intelligence officials."[/ie047341f24]
Where's the lie? A lie is a distortion of the truth. Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Kerry, et al saw the same evidence and were told the same thing. Was the evidence wrong? Who knows. Only time will tell. Given the existing intellgence, you'd make the same assumption, as well. Again, liberals are always great at hindsight, but they've never been particularly good leaders when leadership is required.
Clearly the Bush administration was trying to make it sound as though there was an Iraq-al qaeda connection, a connection which never existed.[/quotee047341f24]
Yes, Saddam, given his money, power, strategic location, and agressive nature, it was only a matter of time...and I'd rather take care of him now before he has nuclear weapons.
Libya has shown the world what an "open door" policy for weapons inspections looks like. Why, then, did Saddam never do this?
i would have to say kerry looks more like my family) im a skiier
17-10-2004 09:39:27
Alot of you people don't realize why we had to go to war with Iraq. It was a very good decision; better safe than sorry.
What was that reason? Enlighten us. -)
[quote3466a2885f]Okay, say we didn't go to war and Iraq had weapons of mass destruction you would be blaming bush, wouldn't you?? You would blame him for not trying to remove weapons of war; no wait, you wouldnt you would be dead.[/quote3466a2885f]
But they didn't HAVE any weapons. And we had no proof that they did. That's a pretty big mistake.
[quote3466a2885f]Second, Bush just didn't decide to go to war with Iraq he had many advisiors and much information that led to his decision. Also, we didn't go to war against Iraq we went against Bin Laden, Suddam.[/quote3466a2885f]
Actually, there were more advisors telling him it was a bonehead idea. But they were fired. Let us not forget that Powell was never even consulted in the matter.
[quote3466a2885f]Didn't you guys read in the paper about how the poor iraqis were being tortured and whatnot?? We went to war to help THEM.[/quote3466a2885f]
Thank you Bush for putting American's in the line of fire to protect Iraq from itself. Meanwhile, our troops have accidentally killed about 20,000 good guys.
[quote3466a2885f]Third, you shouldn't vote based on looks...[/quote3466a2885f]
I agree. I think Kerry is cute though. <3 <3 !!!
[quote3466a2885f]Fourth, if you should vote for Bush and let him drill for oil in Alaska if you want these fu##ing gas prices to go down!![/quote3466a2885f]
Alaska is one of the few places on Earth we haven't flicked up yet. I don't know that it's a good idea. There will be a lot of natural habitat destroyed. There are better ways to reduce oil prices.
One way would have been to declare an "crisis" with the energy comission. That would have sparked an investigation that would have stopped some of the hiked prices from the oil companies and maybe reduced a bit of the $40 per barrel added premium. Bush said, "nah".
[quote3466a2885f]Fifth, If kerry pulls out of iraq, he will increase al qaeda ego in which they will think that they won. This will make America look weak and then they will try to attack even more. I agree with that, he is 100% right...
VOTE BUSH![/quote3466a2885f]
According to Bush, we all ready won! Now we are just hanging out to make sure things continue to run smoothly, right? roll
Oh wait, now he's saying, "we need to win this war".
I guess he flip-flopped! LAR!!!
17-10-2004 09:51:36
So.......what about Nader!
Anyone else get shipped recently?
17-10-2004 09:55:38
I just shipped...STV 8/24. Where in North Jersey u from?? I'm in Morris County.
17-10-2004 10:55:28
You people do realize that their was no terrorists in Iraq until we opened the borders by invading right. so the point of war was..... and because bush has no clue what sovern nation means he's just being pulled around by other people.
and he does look like a monkey look here
17-10-2004 11:01:55
[quoted3bfa6a5c1]PS - INTERNETS![/quoted3bfa6a5c1]
this was the best part of the entire series of debates.
17-10-2004 11:09:17
[quotec8fe53194c="dobby10"]I just shipped...STV 8/24. Where in North Jersey u from?? I'm in Morris County.[/quotec8fe53194c]
Oakland NJ
Exit 58 on 287
17-10-2004 11:16:06
vote bush
get a free ipod
[quote2d5459aed7="Icarus"]vote bush
get a free ipod[/quote2d5459aed7]
17-10-2004 14:17:42
But they didn't HAVE any weapons. And we had no proof that they did. That's a pretty big mistake.
Both our and other intelligence agencies had intelligence that they did, and that was the best we could do. Unfortunately with WMDs the "smoking gun" is a mushroom cloud over some major population center, and I don't think we should wait for that.
[quote26df2d7fd3]Fourth, if you should vote for Bush and let him drill for oil in Alaska if you want these fu##ing gas prices to go down!![/quote26df2d7fd3]
While Kerry does claim to want to stop our foreign oil dependency, he's offered no ideas on how to do that. Fuel cell technolog will make billions for the ultimate inventor, but those guys say it's 20 years+ away.
The ultimate way to stop terrorism? Find a different energy source than oil. It will put the Saudis, Joradanians, Libyans, Sudanese, etc., back into the desert like they were 100 years ago.
One way would have been to declare an "crisis" with the energy comission. That would have sparked an investigation that would have stopped some of the hiked prices from the oil companies and maybe reduced a bit of the $40 per barrel added premium. Bush said, "nah".
There's nothing even OPEC, the ultimate "big oil" that so many people love to hate, can do about oil prices. It's simply supply and demand, and countries like China and India want more and more of a scarce resource. Get used to it, because there's not enough to go around.
[quote26df2d7fd3]Fifth, If kerry pulls out of iraq, he will increase al qaeda ego in which they will think that they won. This will make America look weak and then they will try to attack even more. I agree with that, he is 100% right...
VOTE BUSH![/quote26df2d7fd3]
According to Bush, we all ready won! Now we are just hanging out to make sure things continue to run smoothly, right? roll
Kerry will not pull out of Iraq. Even he knows that would be a stupid move.
17-10-2004 16:12:32
hey guys, I'd like to hear something about ipod shippment these days, anybody around 9/7 shipped??
17-10-2004 16:39:40
i ordered from 9/2 and stv 9/8
17-10-2004 16:57:53
[quote9e89faf59f="XtAzY"]i ordered from 9/2 and stv 9/8[/quote9e89faf59f]
I think we will get shipped pretty much together, or close. i'm 9/8stv too
17-10-2004 17:05:40
fook bush
17-10-2004 17:32:13
You are all thirteen.
17-10-2004 17:43:39
i'm not