What the hell happened to my iPod? :(
17-10-2004 18:32:43

http//home.comcast.net/~fresh27/fedex.gif[" alt=""/imgbff7c26d6d]
Left Alaska over 24 hours ago, and still hasn't showed up anywhere (
Other people who had it leave Alaska showed that it arrived to their local FedEx's already.
17-10-2004 18:35:02
maybe they took a few stops for a cheeseburger on the way?
no i think it should update for you tomorrow.
17-10-2004 18:36:30
its the weekend.....
wait till monday or tuesday to start freaking
17-10-2004 18:36:44
lol that's just too much paranoia
17-10-2004 18:38:00
the plane crashed. your ipod is lost. along with a few human lives.
good job, you murderer
17-10-2004 18:39:22
[quote39a5fb20e1="pcmsurf"]its the weekend.....
wait till monday or tuesday to start freaking[/quote39a5fb20e1]
well, it already updated at least twice on the weekend (it was different before) so obviously theyre active.
also, another guy shows that his ipod left alaska and arrived at his local fedex already (
17-10-2004 18:40:58
[quote2820bb98b5="PallarAndersVisa"]the plane crashed. your ipod is lost. along with a few human lives.
good job, you murderer[/quote2820bb98b5]
17-10-2004 19:54:23
[quotecfd121b648="fresh27"][quotecfd121b648="pcmsurf"]its the weekend.....
wait till monday or tuesday to start freaking[/quotecfd121b648]
well, it already updated at least twice on the weekend (it was different before) so obviously theyre active.
also, another guy shows that his ipod left alaska and arrived at his local fedex already ([/quotecfd121b648]
Your iPod moves around any day, but it doesn't get to your house unless its a business day
17-10-2004 19:57:40
well, mines been on a plane or something for the last 26 hours.
17-10-2004 19:59:56
lithinksli...if i were an ipod where would i go to on a plane!?....CHECK HAWII!
Hold your pants on dude, statuses aren't always 100 up to date on fedex. You will have your ipod by wednesday like it says.
17-10-2004 20:29:42
my ipod seems to have 'departed' a city in the same state as where i live, on friday or so, too, and nothing new since then.
17-10-2004 20:32:05
Remember... this is Fedex afterall. Wait a few years and soon enough Tom Hanks will deliver your Ipod.
17-10-2004 20:58:27
[quotec6a889ee53="dietcokefiend"]Remember... this is Fedex afterall. Wait a few years and soon enough Tom Hanks will deliver your Ipod.[/quotec6a889ee53]
that was funny. for such a short time that laughing actually didn't really happen very much. )
17-10-2004 21:06:01
they making ipods in alaska?? and its the weekends they dont ship on weekends
17-10-2004 21:13:15
[quote86e15edf34="DisastirousMurmur"]they making ipods in alaska?? and its the weekends they dont ship on weekends[/quote86e15edf34]
they do ship on weekends... it left alaska yesterday (saturday) so of course it shipped. they dont deliver mostly, but they ship between places.
17-10-2004 22:21:14
[quote0bb809ddae="DarkTemplar194"]my ipod seems to have 'departed' a city in the same state as where i live, on friday or so, too, and nothing new since then.
nothing shocking here. ive seen a package coming to me in chicago leave memphis, get to chicago, go back to memphis and then go to indianapolis and then back to chicago.
at least your's is coming. you're a freaking 9/17 and I'm a 8/24. I really don't understand what's happening here.
17-10-2004 23:25:05
[quoted74a08783a="bp"]at least your's is coming. you're a freaking 9/17 and I'm a 8/24. I really don't understand what's happening here.[/quoted74a08783a]
im a 9/22 and ill have mine tomorrow or tuesday Smile.
[quote8b63034699="bp"]at least your's is coming. you're a freaking 9/17 and I'm a 8/24. I really don't understand what's happening here.[/quote8b63034699]
You and I will likely ship later today.
18-10-2004 03:06:24
[quote47b8312e4b="dietcokefiend"]Remember... this is Fedex afterall. Wait a few years and soon enough Tom Hanks will deliver your Ipod.[/quote47b8312e4b]
LOL that would be hilarious, someoene is stranded on a deserted on an island with a music-less Ipod, HAHAHA.
18-10-2004 04:09:49
the ipod terrorists hijacked my fedex plane too.
left alaska at 5pm on 10/16......... ... .... mayday mayday.