New offer - InstantCAST! ?
07-09-2005 18:49:18
What do you guys think of the new offer?
Instant credit and free (though I haven't been credited yet and signed up around 9pm).
Looks like a good one, and more importantly a new one.
[quote43bbe4d1c4]Become a STAR!
Free trial of of InstantCast Actors & Models Needed. No Prior Experience Necessary. Free Casting Calls. Appear On TV, Movies, And More!
07-09-2005 18:52:37
I did it. I was on a Pepsi commercial about a year ago.
Is it instant for anyone? I did it on ipodnanos and I'm not green.
07-09-2005 22:44:12
I did it tonight also, and it hasn't greened, nor did I get a confirmation e-mail (was able to get login info though).
07-09-2005 23:36:50
i did it too...nothin, no green or confirmation emails...
08-09-2005 05:33:39
I did it last night, late, no green but I did get a confirmation email this morning saying "you application was approved".
Keeping my fingers crossed for quick credit, most of my refs for iPodNanos did it. Like to get my five greens quick (like everyone else, I know) D
08-09-2005 05:39:08
We don't get InstantCAST up here. Only a few offers for us, I think they are exactly the same as the freeipods ones. (
On another note, thank you gratis for opening up ipodnanos to Canada at launch. Finally something us Canadians can do that our friendly southern neighbours don't have a head start on!
Edit For the InstantCAST thing do you need a credit card? Is it just a free sign up? I want to tell my American friends about it! Thanks!
08-09-2005 06:52:21
Yeah, InstantCast looks cool, I have been checking it out this morning since I got my confirmation e-mail. Hopefully it credits too, because it looks like a good service.
08-09-2005 06:55:24
[quote40ba39add0="vinsanitee"]Edit For the InstantCAST thing do you need a credit card? Is it just a free sign up? I want to tell my American friends about it! Thanks![/quote40ba39add0]
Yes, requires a CC. Two week free trial, then they bill you quarterly at a rate of $3.95/wk. But it costs NOTHING up front. D
08-09-2005 06:56:50
For those of you that didn't receive your confirmation emails, how were you able to get your username/password?
And does anyone know how long the trial period is? The terms and conditions were VERY vague about that.
(Still haven't received a confirmation email after 15 hours)...
08-09-2005 07:02:27
[quote27d4d6257d="KeithA"]For those of you that didn't receive your confirmation emails, how were you able to get your username/password?
And does anyone know how long the trial period is? The terms and conditions were VERY vague about that.
(Still haven't received a confirmation email after 15 hours)...[/quote27d4d6257d]
Go to the 'Member Login' page, click the link under the login fields "Need your login information?" I did that last night after I didn't get the conf. email, had my login/pass within 5 minutes and could log into the site.
From what I got, it's a 14 day (2 week) trial period before you start getting billed.
08-09-2005 07:33:03
[quote7331f27490="referralbroker"][quote7331f27490="KeithA"]For those of you that didn't receive your confirmation emails, how were you able to get your username/password?
And does anyone know how long the trial period is? The terms and conditions were VERY vague about that.
(Still haven't received a confirmation email after 15 hours)...[/quote7331f27490]
Go to the 'Member Login' page, click the link under the login fields "Need your login information?" I did that last night after I didn't get the conf. email, had my login/pass within 5 minutes and could log into the site.
From what I got, it's a 14 day (2 week) trial period before you start getting billed.[/quote7331f27490]
Wow, that worked quickly. Thanks!
Watch for me on TV...
08-09-2005 08:45:24
I finally got a confirmation e-mail this morning. No credit though. (
08-09-2005 08:51:35
It's a FreePay "instant" offer... lol
I won't be worried until next Monday, then I'll be getting ahold of Jake if I (and my refs) don't have credit.
08-09-2005 08:55:38
[quotea98c0bfa89="referralbroker"]I did it last night, late, no green but I did get a confirmation email this morning saying "you application was approved".
Keeping my fingers crossed for quick credit, most of my refs for iPodNanos did it. Like to get my five greens quick (like everyone else, I know) D[/quotea98c0bfa89] Who was the email from? I looked through my inbox and junk mail folder and didn't see anything.
08-09-2005 09:00:58
InstantCast []
08-09-2005 12:12:55
I completed instacast today for ipodnanos, still no credit, no emails either..
08-09-2005 12:27:39
[quote5a9ad3132d="referralbroker"]InstantCast [][/quote5a9ad3132d]
08-09-2005 16:34:33
Has anybody credited yet?
08-09-2005 18:25:02
[quote71e2c3c4ff="Gigante"]Has anybody credited yet?[/quote71e2c3c4ff]
Nope... did it today around noon EST
09-09-2005 00:04:15
I too am still waiting on credit, I did it last night.
09-09-2005 06:42:57
I did it yesterday early afternoon, no e-mail, no credit.
09-09-2005 06:45:47
k, I did it within the first couple hours of site release and nothing, just making sure.
09-09-2005 06:58:37
[quotee27cd80375="Gigante"]k, I did it within the first couple hours of site release and nothing, just making sure.[/quotee27cd80375]
09-09-2005 07:39:24
I received an email with my info, still no credit.
Almost 24 hours since I completed this "Instant Offer"
09-09-2005 08:51:06
Did this two nights ago, still no credit (I also did VP Online, no credit there either). I'm not too hopeful that this offer is going to credit without having to wait the 15 days. (
09-09-2005 11:21:37
[quotef2279b9161="nextlevel"]I received an email with my info, still no credit.
Almost 24 hours since I completed this "Instant Offer"[/quotef2279b9161]
It has been nearly 48 hours since I completed the offer, and I have not yet received credit either.
09-09-2005 13:35:01
Has anyone notified Jake that this "instant" offer is not holding true to the advertisement?
[quote4855e655da="KeithA"][quote4855e655da="nextlevel"]I received an email with my info, still no credit.
Almost 24 hours since I completed this "Instant Offer"[/quote4855e655da]
It has been nearly 48 hours since I completed the offer, and I have not yet received credit either.[/quote4855e655da]
09-09-2005 13:58:03
[quote088cbfdb20="ipodjon"]Has anyone notified Jake that this "instant" offer is not holding true to the advertisement?
[quote088cbfdb20="KeithA"][quote088cbfdb20="nextlevel"]I received an email with my info, still no credit.
Almost 24 hours since I completed this "Instant Offer"[/quote088cbfdb20]
It has been nearly 48 hours since I completed the offer, and I have not yet received credit either.[/quote088cbfdb20][/quote088cbfdb20]
Not yet. I typically allow a minimum of 3-5 business days before contacting a site operator directly with an account-specific question. And since I've seen Jake posting on the Off-Topic board, I assume that he's seen our posts here in the Freepay board.
Some comment or explanation from Freepay would certainly be welcome, of course.
09-09-2005 16:37:31
The instacast offer is gone??
I don't see it on the ipodnano site anymore.
12-09-2005 06:27:08
How long is the free trial? I can't find it anywhere in their Terms and Conditions.
12-09-2005 06:42:23
[quote6cfbe8a3dd="doylnea"]How long is the free trial? I can't find it anywhere in their Terms and Conditions.[/quote6cfbe8a3dd]
30 days, and then they bill you all at once for the quarter.
12-09-2005 08:13:39
[quotefbb2a1074d="Gigante"][quotefbb2a1074d="doylnea"]How long is the free trial? I can't find it anywhere in their Terms and Conditions.[/quotefbb2a1074d]
30 days, and then they bill you all at once for the quarter.[/quotefbb2a1074d]
[bfbb2a1074d]I have 14 day trial marked down? [/bfbb2a1074d]
Can't find where it is now.
12-09-2005 08:24:35
I had a note for 14 day trial also, saw it on one screen DURING the signup. Nowhere to be found now that the membership is completed though....
12-09-2005 08:39:25
[quote3b86974dcf="referralbroker"]I had a note for 14 day trial also, saw it on one screen DURING the signup. Nowhere to be found now that the membership is completed though....[/quote3b86974dcf]
I also noted 14 days, but I think I got that here.
I started the offer on 9/6 and haven't received credit on 9/12.
12-09-2005 08:48:05
Hmmm...doesn't sound like the best offer........
12-09-2005 09:22:12
[quotefc7acf3dda="KeithA"][quotefc7acf3dda="referralbroker"]I had a note for 14 day trial also, saw it on one screen DURING the signup. Nowhere to be found now that the membership is completed though....[/quotefc7acf3dda]
I also noted 14 days, but I think I got that here.
I started the offer on 9/6 and haven't received credit on 9/12.[/quotefc7acf3dda]
No credit for me yet; I did the offer on 9/7.
Also, 14 days seems more likely, but I still can't find written or printed proof anywhere. I'm tempted to call and ask, just to be sure. I just want to be certain that it wasn't a 3 day trial, since I'm not located on the west coast, and as such am not likely going to be cast for anything they have listed on the site.
12-09-2005 13:25:05
Any word on how long this 'instant' offer will take to credit?
12-09-2005 18:37:36
Yeah, you guys are probably right, go for 14 days. Someone had told me 30, but you can't find it after you have signed up.
Hopefully Jake will be able to update the crediting progress for InstantCast.
13-09-2005 12:15:41
Ok, now I have all the referrals I need for the site I did instantcast on. Would really like to know how long I'll have to wait to be credited for this one since I'm ready to go otherwise.
13-09-2005 13:44:50
I had activity on my credit card where they refunded the dollar that they intially charged from Instant Cast.
I wonder if this will now turn green?
It's been forever!
13-09-2005 13:49:33
[quote6efdd8285c="ipodjon"]I had activity on my credit card where they refunded the dollar that they intially charged from Instant Cast.
I wonder if this will now turn green?
It's been forever![/quote6efdd8285c]
Had you canceled? or did they just refund you?
13-09-2005 14:50:49
It's a 14 day free trial, then $3.99 per week after that. They will offer you a 30-day extention and a lowered $1.99 rate though.
13-09-2005 15:29:34
[quote299e87dd0f="rkjohnson2"][quote299e87dd0f="ipodjon"]I had activity on my credit card where they refunded the dollar that they intially charged from Instant Cast.
I wonder if this will now turn green?
It's been forever![/quote299e87dd0f]
Had you canceled? or did they just refund you?[/quote299e87dd0f]
No, why on earth would i cancel this wonderful offer - I wanna be a Star!
But honestly, I think they did a $1.00 charge to my credit card for verification purposes (most companies do this) and I saw that the charge was refunded today. So, let's hope that it's a good sign and it greens, finally!
14-09-2005 06:54:31
Completed this offer on 9/6 and still no credit on the morning of 9/14.
14-09-2005 09:27:16
anyone get credit on this yet? I see its still an offer on, Jake any word on this offer crediting?
14-09-2005 11:57:37
I have 2 referrals signed up under that and they are still yellow. I'll report back when they change.
14-09-2005 13:27:31
Still no credit here =(
14-09-2005 17:20:31
Jake said to keep your confirmation email for the 15 days, and if you want credit faster, do another offer and try to get it. But everybody that did it correctly will credit.
14-09-2005 20:12:08
[quote6106755291="Gigante"]Jake said to keep your confirmation email for the 15 days, and if you want credit faster, do another offer and try to get it. But everybody that did it correctly will credit.[/quote6106755291]Many of us didn't get a confo email. I have my password request email though...
So they know that this offer was messed up but are stiil going to make us all wait the full 15 days?! They are the ones that said it was instant (.
Has there been anyone that has actually gotten credit for this? Jake, why not just give us credit after we complete it like the popup said cry
14-09-2005 22:37:03
For some reason, I have the feeling that InstantCast didnt want their offer advertised in such bulk (they don't got the money to pay out). 15 days puts you right after the 2 week mark, the day you got to pay InstantCast if you wish to keep their service. So maybe you will be forced to keep it? I do not know, but we will see how it plays out.
15-09-2005 00:50:27
The offer never said you had to stay on after the trial. Not many of the offers have that stipulation either. They may change it later but can't really change the rules of it now.
But hey, if I can get in a commercial I may be staying on anyway heheh. I used to be an extra and although not very "glamorous" it was a lot of fun and very cool to be on the set.
Regardless of that though, I want my damn credit heheh.
15-09-2005 06:39:56
Obviously they can't change the rules, but they can't really give out 100+ greens that they don't get paid for. That is a lot of revenue lost.
15-09-2005 11:32:58
Just got credited. Did it Sunday night. Just submitted for approval on PSP.
WTF? You did it this past Sunday and got credit today?
I am skeptical.
15-09-2005 12:18:23
[quote3a363ba457="rkjohnson2"]Just got credited. Did it Sunday night. Just submitted for approval on PSP.[/quote3a363ba457]
Lucky $^%&
Stillllllllllllllllllllllllll Waiting.......................... since launch.....
15-09-2005 12:30:41
[quote9af4d9f3ed="jlaw"]WTF? You did it this past Sunday and got credit today?
I am skeptical.[/quote9af4d9f3ed]
Skeptical about what?
There are a LOT of us who did this offer long before you and have not gotten credit. In fact, you're the first person EVER to report that it credited.
Got some proof?
15-09-2005 13:21:14
[quotef6029d6b5a="jlaw"]There are a LOT of us who did this offer long before you and have not gotten credit. In fact, you're the first person EVER to report that it credited.
Got some proof?[/quotef6029d6b5a]
What do you want to see? I'll take a screenshot of my credit email, or my offers screen, but don't have anywhere to host it...
15-09-2005 15:03:14
Besides signing up and then going back to fill in your info, did you do anything else to get credit?
15-09-2005 15:31:01
[quote1ffa499f24="JesterxXx"]Besides signing up and then going back to fill in your info, did you do anything else to get credit?[/quote1ffa499f24]
Nope, that's all.
15-09-2005 15:44:18
hmmm yeah, strange then. Whats surprising is OC's instant offers are turning out to be faster and more reliable than Gratis' on the nano site. And so far there isn't even the usual "offers of doom" like in the past...though there are a ton less when you get to 5/6, but there are some decent offers left.
I'm already in review for the OC site and did that like a week after the Gratis site which I am still waiting for credit ?
16-09-2005 13:26:52
[quote77c9c15524="jlaw"]There are a LOT of us who did this offer long before you and have not gotten credit. In fact, you're the first person EVER to report that it credited.
Got some proof?[/quote77c9c15524]

http//[" alt=""/img77c9c15524]
16-09-2005 22:07:23
I still have not got credit and did the offer the day freeipodnanos came out \. Hopefully we will get credit!
16-09-2005 22:16:55
no credit for me either! -(
17-09-2005 08:27:09
no credit for me or one of my referrals either.
its all im waiting on
18-09-2005 09:03:45
Shit, i just did this today without reading this first, lets hope i get lucky (
18-09-2005 10:01:22
So next Saturday we can all send in support tickets claiming to not get credit?
18-09-2005 20:43:25
Should I cancel the offer? I really dont want to get charged the money but if I HAVE to to get credit |. Anyone send in a help request to freepay yet?
18-09-2005 23:15:23
If you are not interested in the offer anymore, you are allowed to cancel and that should not affect your crediting because you did try the product. I cannot decide if I want to keep it. It would be cool to be in a commercial or an extra, but I don't know if I really have the time or if I would ever make it.
19-09-2005 08:34:44
I'll be submitting a support ticket for this on Wednesday. I'll let everyone know how it goes.
19-09-2005 20:47:43
[quotecdf53ec8f5="KeithA"]I'll be submitting a support ticket for this on Wednesday. I'll let everyone know how it goes.[/quotecdf53ec8f5]I think we all will be lol.
I got a text message from instacash today. So I know they know I around lol. Now we just need freepay to know we are around heheh.
19-09-2005 21:48:16
[quoteb6c6df2d2c="JesterxXx"][quoteb6c6df2d2c="KeithA"]I'll be submitting a support ticket for this on Wednesday. I'll let everyone know how it goes.[/quoteb6c6df2d2c]I think we all will be lol.
I got a text message from instacash today. So I know they know I around lol. Now we just need freepay to know we are around heheh.[/quoteb6c6df2d2c]
I didn't understand a one word you just said
19-09-2005 22:23:52
lol. I know I have grammar and spelling issues sometimes but it wasn't that bad was it?
cliff notes
-instacash sent me a text message.
-because of that I know I am in their system
-now we just need freepay to credit us.
20-09-2005 15:14:17
Well, I decided I didn't want to be a star and canceled my account using their online form. I was supposed to receive an email confirmation, but have not yet received it. Has anyone canceled their subscription, despite their plea and offer to extend the trial offer another month for free, and gotten an email confirm?
20-09-2005 16:31:32
[quotec2e36dbc6a="doylnea"]Well, I decided I didn't want to be a star and canceled my account using their online form. I was supposed to receive an email confirmation, but have not yet received it. Has anyone canceled their subscription, despite their plea and offer to extend the trial offer another month for free, and gotten an email confirm?[/quotec2e36dbc6a]
I'm still a little nervous, though--they refer you to the TOS and the privacy policy for details regarding "member responsibilities." I'm not exactly sure what that's about...
20-09-2005 16:57:45
[quotef6a4718e29="KeithA"][quotef6a4718e29="doylnea"]Well, I decided I didn't want to be a star and canceled my account using their online form. I was supposed to receive an email confirmation, but have not yet received it. Has anyone canceled their subscription, despite their plea and offer to extend the trial offer another month for free, and gotten an email confirm?[/quotef6a4718e29]
I'm still a little nervous, though--they refer you to the TOS and the privacy policy for details regarding "member responsibilities." I'm not exactly sure what that's about...[/quotef6a4718e29]
Well, according to their T&C
You may cancel your subscription to the service via the online form located at
Automatic Renewal
Your subscription will renew automatically at the end of each quarter UNLESS YOU NOTIFY US OF YOUR
do not notify us, the then-applicable quarterly fee for your subscription will be billed automatically to the credit
card you designated during the registration process. In connection with recurring billing for subscription renewals,
we may receive updated information about your account from the financial institution issuing your credit or charge
You agree to pay all fees and charges incurred in connection with your username and password (including any
applicable taxes) at the rates in effect when the charges were incurred. You will have 60 days from the date that
any discrepancies in your credit card statement or any invoice first appear to notify us; after that time, all charges
will be deemed correct and no refunds will be given. You agree to pay all amounts due upon our demand. In the
event we have to collect unpaid amounts you owe us, you will be liable for all attorneys' and collection agency
Privacy Policy
Our policy with respect to the collection and use of your personal information is set forth in our Privacy Policy.[/quotef6a4718e29]
We should be in the clear. Does anyone have a phone number for InstantCast in case we need further confirmation?
21-09-2005 08:58:47
I had one person opt to do realrhapsody after InastCAST took too long to credit and got credit next day. The other has yet to recieve credit for the offer and has submitted for help. I hope that InstaCAST isn't jiping freepay out of money, that's for sure.
21-09-2005 13:29:40
I did the InstantCast offer on 9/6/05, submitted a no-credit support ticket at on 9/21/05, and received credit for the offer on 9/21/05.
Great response time on Freepay's part.
21-09-2005 15:19:24
although they replied to my support ticket quickly, I never got my email confo (this offer is a real winner lol), so they did not give me credit yet. (
21-09-2005 15:25:31
[quote3c18030725="JesterxXx"]although they replied to my support ticket quickly, I never got my email confo (this offer is a real winner lol), so they did not give me credit yet. ([/quote3c18030725]
Earlier in the thread, referralbroker explained how to get your confo email...
Go to the 'Member Login' page, click the link under the login fields "Need your login information?" I did that last night after I didn't get the conf. email, had my login/pass within 5 minutes and could log into the site. [/quote3c18030725]
Try that, then respond to Freepay in your support ticket.
21-09-2005 18:48:37
[quote57058020dc="KeithA"][quote57058020dc="JesterxXx"]although they replied to my support ticket quickly, I never got my email confo (this offer is a real winner lol), so they did not give me credit yet. ([/quote57058020dc]
Earlier in the thread, referralbroker explained how to get your confo email...
Go to the 'Member Login' page, click the link under the login fields "Need your login information?" I did that last night after I didn't get the conf. email, had my login/pass within 5 minutes and could log into the site. [/quote57058020dc]
Try that, then respond to Freepay in your support ticket.[/quote57058020dc]Thanks for the info, but I did do that back when I first signed up. And I actually copy/pasted the contents of that email but it didn't seem to be enough for them.
21-09-2005 19:17:22
Not sure what to tell you then...sounds identical to what I did, and I had no trouble.
22-09-2005 05:58:02
I submitted credit request today, good to see people getting credit
22-09-2005 07:07:24
Had one of my refs submit a ticket tonight. Hopefull that will make 4/5
22-09-2005 09:57:09
I did the gmail "show original" copy and paste and sent it in to them for review - they kicked it back saying that they needed me to click "forward" on the email and then copy it.
Finally received credit and requested approval.
Bet there are a lot of these today @ freepay!
) good luck everyone.
I submitted a ticket last night and received credit today.
22-09-2005 13:17:13
I got manual credit, sent the confirmation email in a support ticket. Credit came within a VERY short time!
Make sure you forward the message to yourself (or whatever works best to get the original header information), they need to see the header information from the ORIGINAL message from InstantCast.
23-09-2005 02:25:27
The trail was for 14 days right? I did this offer on the 8th, did what I had to do, and now I see this from my bank
9/23/2005 Electronic Purchase INSTANT CAST lililililililililili ($51.87)
not cool, why does every company try to overcharge me? I bet its cuz my email address has the word free in it so they know. I thought it was supposed to be like 3 dollars a week anyways? Gotta call them today and get this figured out.
23-09-2005 05:34:43
[quote8d9a1e7c44="Cash4Cookies"]The trail was for 14 days right? I did this offer on the 8th, did what I had to do, and now I see this from my bank
9/23/2005 Electronic Purchase INSTANT CAST lililililililililili ($51.87)
not cool, why does every company try to overcharge me? I bet its cuz my email address has the word free in it so they know. I thought it was supposed to be like 3 dollars a week anyways? Gotta call them today and get this figured out.[/quote8d9a1e7c44]
It's $3.99 a week, but they bill you $16 a month times three months = $48 plus tax...
23-09-2005 05:35:40
[quoted725adb470="KeithA"][quoted725adb470="Cash4Cookies"]The trail was for 14 days right? I did this offer on the 8th, did what I had to do, and now I see this from my bank
9/23/2005 Electronic Purchase INSTANT CAST lililililililililili ($51.87)
not cool, why does every company try to overcharge me? I bet its cuz my email address has the word free in it so they know. I thought it was supposed to be like 3 dollars a week anyways? Gotta call them today and get this figured out.[/quoted725adb470]
It's $3.99 a week, but they bill you $16 a month times three months = $48 plus tax...[/quoted725adb470]
Thats cute, i guess...
23-09-2005 06:48:09
Thats cute, i guess...[/quoteed6c0e7cb7]
Pretty shady billing plan if you ask me, but they do go out of their way to make that part clear when you're signing up. The thing that frustrated me was the lack of clarity around how long the trial was...
26-09-2005 08:42:12
Yup, they charged me the whole amount as well. Now I have to call and get it off my card. I never got a confirmation e-mail and I couldn't even get my login information e-mailed to me. VERY shady!
16-10-2005 12:42:18
Has anyone done this offer recently, and gotten credit?
16-10-2005 14:56:40
This offers back,why!
16-10-2005 15:07:47
[quote11417dc4a1="dudelovesFinch1035"]This offers back,why![/quote11417dc4a1]
Not sure, but I'm looking for an offer that may interest a couple of my referrals. The credit card offers and pills offers aren't so interesting to them.
16-10-2005 15:13:08
i tried this yesterday for freeipods. Hopefully it works out.
16-10-2005 22:49:36
Maybe FreePay got the problems that they were having with this offer worked out so they brought it back. I just signed up for it on PCS.FreePay since my Video Professor Online offer wont give me credit. Hopefully i will get the confirmation email tomorrow and maybe even the credit from freepay
18-10-2005 11:15:04
Got credit today, took 2 days. Too bad the video prof offer that i didnt think was ever going to credit got credit yesterday. I could have used this offer for another site, oh well
19-10-2005 15:43:09
i also got charged 51.87, as will most of you when you find out its a four day trial not a 14 day one.
i had to fill out a refund form that i told them to send me after complaining.
had to fax it in today and they are processing my request right now.
20-10-2005 16:12:58
The people that did this offer, sorry to say but all of your referrals that did it the offer will be revoked. I had 10/5 referrals on iPodNanos.FreePay and 6 of them that did the InstantCast offer were put on hold. Don't know why customer service won't shed any light on the idea either.
20-10-2005 17:06:19
maybe because so many of your referrals did the same offer???
That raises suspicions at freepay that you could have walked them through the whole process.
20-10-2005 17:07:40
lol but its funny you come in on your 2nd post and start saying so "matter of factly" sorry your referrals are all getting put on hold
13-11-2005 20:21:13
Anyone able to get through with their lame phone number...?? I called and it was a recording...I left and info and that was 5 days response...Also, I already cancelled but recieved no conf email...How can I get credit? I cancelled mostly because I could not get a response from anyone from cusomer service on this site...?
14-11-2005 09:45:17
[quotea492ea795e="supersponger1979"]Anyone able to get through with their lame phone number...?? I called and it was a recording...I left and info and that was 5 days response...Also, I already cancelled but recieved no conf email...How can I get credit? I cancelled mostly because I could not get a response from anyone from cusomer service on this site...?[/quotea492ea795e]
i too was scammed. i canceled before 4 days was up because it wasnt for me and i heard about the company being shady. i didnt get cancelation confirmation either, however when i tried to log back in, it said account not found or something like that, so i thought i was ok.
sure enough i was charged 50 something dollars. ive left 3 messages and havent had a response. if they dont reply to the one i left today i will dispute this with my credit card company and maybe even contact the better business bureau
14-11-2005 14:26:43
I too made the mistake of trying this site. I was going to wait the 15 days and send a support ticket, but is it worth it? Or should I just do another site?
15-11-2005 19:29:26
I guess patience is a greened on it's own in about 12 days.
15-11-2005 22:27:40
Same here...I just wevt green...took long enough for an supposed "instant" offer...
16-11-2005 13:09:11
Yeah, I was thinking about completing this offer but wanted to search on here because didn't have it. Doesn't sound very good. When I hear a company is shady, it doesn't make me want to give them my credit card number. Freepay said it was instant, which is why I am sure everyone signed up for it but now that I know it isn't so instant, I think I will be avoiding this one.
Yea, very good choice cyberpunk, I did it about 1 week ago and it hasnt even sent me the confirmation emails, but charged me somtin like 39.95 bucks and im still not credited.
17-11-2005 07:28:43
I got a confirmation email fron InstantCast when I did the offer and get a confirmation when I requested the "c" word. And this was all within the 4 business days so hopefully I'm good to go.
26-11-2005 10:36:38
Yeah the fuckers charged me $65 before the 4 days were even up. I called them and all I got was some message telling me to leave a message. Their site says that you can cancel online through their site, but when you get to the cnacellation page it gives you a number to call, the number that just tells you to leave a message.
Avoid like the plague.
26-11-2005 10:49:07
Sounds like somebody's angry he didn't get cast opposite Jake Gyllenhaul in that new cowboy movie...
26-11-2005 14:33:50
STFU up you!
Yeah I am pissed, but just leave it ok? Seriously. I just want to get close Jake and smell his wrists, but no, Henry fuckin Winkler gets the part.
26-11-2005 15:44:39
Wow they are such a scam. A referral for me signed up for my ps3 site and now he's all pissed that they haven't given credit and he hasn't gotten any info.
26-11-2005 18:38:17
He'll get charged for it too, mark my words.
Unless he used some form of pre-paid card.
26-11-2005 23:17:44
Why does freepay support such a poor quality site?
26-11-2005 23:18:52
I was thinking the very same thing.
Yea, seems like they are getting more and more shitty offers, which in the end make them look bad.
27-11-2005 18:14:42
must cancel but i can't get through!!!
Wait, how is everyone having so much trouble? I just submitted a query and they took care of cancellation for me and sent me a confirmation email.
27-11-2005 21:57:11
[quote4a1aceceae="Arti"]Wait, how is everyone having so much trouble? I just submitted a query and they took care of cancellation for me and sent me a confirmation email.[/quote4a1aceceae]
i canceled too online and still got charged
27-11-2005 23:04:10
Well they charged me before my trial was up, so I got online to see if I could cancel before they did anything else, and when you get to the cancellation form it just gives you a number to call.
When you call it, all it does is tell you to leave a message no matter which day of the week you call on.
08-12-2005 00:56:05
i called to cancel this offer because their site sucked and i got through to cancel, thank green yet. One of my friends however tried to cancel online and he was charge the $65. He put up a fuss and they sent him an email with an attachment to fax in for a refund. We'll see if that works. You might want to try that TSJ. It took a lot of complaining though. I had to say, "are you calling me a liar?!"
22-12-2005 10:45:51
WHY did i do this offer before reading this thread.
22-12-2005 12:14:05
surprisingly i green a couple hours after doing the offer
22-12-2005 16:37:04
Why the hell hasn't Freepay taken this offer down??
22-12-2005 16:58:27
it worked GREAT For me
22-12-2005 20:42:14
This offer is definitely nowhere near worth the green.
I would rather do 3 other offers instead of this offer once. They are so scammish and there's no way I am faxing them shit to get my money back.
They wanted all my information so I just told them to go and take a shite.
24-02-2006 20:00:30
oh wow, is this offer that bad?????????
it's a 4 day free trial, and they charge u during the trial??
but the offer says 5 bucks per week?
24-02-2006 23:24:04
[quote05e9e5376a="mpbollywoodking"]oh wow, is this offer that bad?????????
it's a 4 day free trial, and they charge u during the trial??
but the offer says 5 bucks per week?[/quote05e9e5376a]
they scammed the hell out of me evil ....worst offer experience, ever....i got charged $64+ and i'm still trying to get it back....
25-02-2006 04:45:07
did u know it was a 4 day trial though?
25-02-2006 05:54:30
my question is, why the hell is the offer still on sites?
There have been numerous reports of shady activity from these people. Freepay should definitely think of their customers first and boot these shady sponsors to the curb.
I'm sorry but if you host a sponsor offer you are somewhat responsible for it being legit. If it's not, it makes the site owners look just as shady.
freepay should put instacast "on hold". They for one actually deserve it
yeah unforunately I signed up before I read all this. still no credit. have to wait until I do a support ticket. no strange CC charges yet...
25-02-2006 08:20:07
it's a 4 day trial, i think people thought it was a two week trial, which is why they got charged if they canceled
man, i was reallly hoping to do this offer, i kinda wanted to be in a comerical if possible
25-02-2006 09:25:00
if you want to be in a commercial, I doubt InstaCast is the way to go.
it's a bunch of bullshit...that's not how you get auditions
well, cant wait until 3/2 when I can submit for manual credit. seems a lot of my offers that I have been doing lately have not been giving me credit. partypoker, instantcast, aol... (
04-03-2006 12:55:10
does anyone have the phone number or cancellation form link for these guys??? I really need it...
04-03-2006 13:12:36
[quotec8c3af21ff="kerbinator"]does anyone have the phone number or cancellation form link for these guys??? I really need it...[/quotec8c3af21ff]
Tsk, cancellation discussion here. You should read the rules before the mods get to you.
04-03-2006 14:36:18
kerbinator, look on'll probably get what you need there....just don't discuss that around here....
[quote4f20c8e9ea="mpbollywoodking"]did u know it was a 4 day trial though?[/quote4f20c8e9ea]
but no, I didn't know that, but the thing is, they never informed me, on the home page I went to, It clearly stated 14-day trial, not 4-day trial.....They are so damn shady.....
04-03-2006 15:43:27
Actually, the email I was sent when I signed up for this gave the date I signed up and the date my free trial was to expire. Their billing period was what I thought was shady. They say it's only $4.99/week, but they bill for 3 months worth at one time.
Calling them on the phone, they were very helpful in what I needed. I wasn't on the call more than 5 mins.
The offer said instant, but it took 6 days to finally credit.
05-03-2006 13:50:43
by far the crappiest offer out there, i never got credit neither did like 2 or 3 of my referrals for this offer
no info sent....i just ignore the bill
06-03-2006 06:31:07
It took me a week to get credit, but it took me 39 days to get refunded the $64+ bucks they scammed me.
You know, it surprises me when people read reviews of offers and a lot of remarks about how they got scammed by the offers, then they just say "oh, the person completing the offer must have been in the wrong...they must have thought it was a 30 day trial and didn't realize it was only 7 days." Please, give us some credit here... I keep the most detailed spreadsheet EVER for keeping track of what I do, and I can tell you everything about every offer I ever completed. So when I tell you instantcast was a scam and charged me when they shouldn't have, believe it. I had a 4 day trial, and it ended on a Sunday. Of course, it being sunday, they were closed. So, I called and left a voicemail, sent messages electronically, and tried to cancel online. Then on Monday, they respond to my cancellation requests with a cancellation confirmation...and then proceed to charge me anyway. They KNOW they were in the wrong for that because the cancellation request was on time, it was their actions that were delayed.
If you have a business that has a trial period, you should be open on sunday or allow cancellation on sundays. And if you can't do that, then you should at least get through all your sunday correspondence before you start charging people on monday. Shady.
And on top of that, you have to fill out a form and wait like 30 days to get your money back? Why should I fill out and fax in a form for them to refund the charge to my card when they have all the information on the card already from when I paid??? They're scam artists. InstantCast sucks.
06-03-2006 10:27:50
Well I guess I got through...I registered Friday before reading the terrible reviews about the offer, so I called Saturday and left a message saying I wanted to cancel, and I got a confirmation of the cancellation today. Let's hope I don't get charged early like other people did.
Oh and I haven't received credit yet either...I'll wait another few days before I try another offer though...
08-03-2006 04:25:22
did anybody have to send in a support ticket to get manual credit for this offer?
[quote83d037e0cf="mpbollywoodking"]did anybody have to send in a support ticket to get manual credit for this offer?[/quote83d037e0cf]
yes, i did back on 3/1, 15 days after I signed up. I just got this response from csr today, which I think is CRAZY with the new 90 day limit.
3/8/2006 10452 PM
customer service wrote
Thank you for contacting us. We have forwarded this information to our marketing department already. They will examine the offer completion from the provided information. If you have completed the offer correctly, we will credit your account manually within 15-30 days. If your account has not been credited within the stated time, please kindly contact us back again. Please note that 1) Gratis Internet does not guarantee that a user will receive credit for an offer. We reserve the right to refuse crediting a user for offer completion for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, lack of appropriate information, improper sign-up method, improper browser settings, and/or a history of manual credits. Manual credits are offers that are credited through emailing confirmation of completion. 2) The user is responsible for saving all of the confirmation emails they receive associated with offer completion. We will not manually credit a user for an offer without receiving a confirmation email from the user. A confirmation email is an email that a user receives from an offer provider after their offer requirements have been fully satiated. However, presenting a confirmation email does not guarantee that a user will receive credit. Please be patient. We are sorry for this inconvenience.
08-03-2006 15:03:41
but, so many offers don't email you about confirmation, what do u do than?????????
screenshots, email them for a confirmation...
08-03-2006 17:30:14
It's been 5 days, no credit. If I don't get it in a week or so I'm just gonna do another offer, an instant offer...I don't wanna bother with customer service, especially when I don't have that much time.
yeah kerb, i am likely going to do another offer as well after I hear from jake if he tells me to wait. we shall see
13-03-2006 18:30:37
11 days, finally got credit. So much for instant credit. Oh well, I'm just glad it went through...and I didn't get screwed..
damn, u are lucky. i am STILL waiting for manual. friday will be 30 days after I originally signed up!