iPOD Accessories Thread
17-09-2004 11:12:31
I'd like to get some opinions about what accessories everyone's thinking about getting for their new pod.
I've pre-ordered an evo2 iskin, but want to know how car accessories rate and working-out gear.
17-09-2004 11:48:01
I spent so much money on a new car CD player that I wont be buying any accessories for the ipod for a long time D
17-09-2004 11:54:53
Id probably just buy a skin...nothing else
im just getting an iskin and maybe an itrip
17-09-2004 11:56:25
I might get a Pod Shield from trendygeek.com
It's cheaper than the iSkin, sure there's less nifty features but it does the job...so BLEH, why not.
17-09-2004 11:58:43
[quote15fb1ad814="btvsrocks"]I might get a Pod Shield from trendygeek.com
It's cheaper than the iSkin, sure there's less nifty features but it does the job...so BLEH, why not.[/quote15fb1ad814]
I was going to get one of these. I had it ordered but I cancelled it because I realized, "this thing doesn't protect the front of the ipod."
I don't want huge scratches everywhere, which is why I bought an iSkin... my iPod arrives on Thursday.
17-09-2004 12:00:11
[quote6e7101d236="flatline"][quote6e7101d236="btvsrocks"]I might get a Pod Shield from trendygeek.com
It's cheaper than the iSkin, sure there's less nifty features but it does the job...so BLEH, why not.[/quote6e7101d236]
I was going to get one of these. I had it ordered but I cancelled it because I realized, "this thing doesn't protect the front of the ipod."
I don't want huge scratches everywhere, which is why I bought an iSkin... my iPod arrives on Thursday.[/quote6e7101d236]
It doesn't protect the click wheel part but the screen part it does.
I don't know, maybe I'll just get BOTH and switch every so often.
17-09-2004 12:23:47
i think im just gonna pick up this
17-09-2004 12:26:32
I've spent a lot on my iPod.
1) ~$7 - PDA Screen Protectors (cut to fit and coat the iPod)
2) ~$22 - Belkin Car Power + Line Out adaptor
3) ~$17 - Ground Loop Isolater (for the car)
4) ~$16 - Power adaptor extension rig parts (@ rat shack)
5) ~$5 - Cabling for car setup
6) ~$43 - iSkin w/ expedited shipping (ordered yesterday)
Also it cost me ~$80 all told to upgrade my 3g 15gb to the 4g 20gb.
17-09-2004 13:57:11
[quotecee4de1bd2="calvinj23"]i think im just gonna pick up this
Belkin is a piece of shit
17-09-2004 14:20:35
I have one of those carrying cases with the belt clip thats worth $40, and I don't even have an ipod. lol I found it like last year on a bus to an to a basketball tournament. Hopefully I'll gest my last referrals so I can get some use out of it. But really, I dont see why it should be 40 bucks.
17-09-2004 14:26:57
i'm not gonna buy anything. just tape some plastic over the screen like i did with my 3g ipod, works well. skins make the ipod real bulky,
17-09-2004 14:29:25
i have a belkin tune cast
it truly is a piece of crap, at least in this city. Doesnt put out a strong enough signal to ride out the real stations that are coming in
17-09-2004 14:34:02
Pallar don't you have ANY frequency that a radio station ISN'T broadcasting on?
you're not supposed to set it for a station that already gets signal. It only works well if you set it to a frequency that only normally has empty static.
If there is any signal at all, then you're going to get the radio station versus the iPOD music. That unfortunately is the way it works. Radio stations can pump out a LOT more power than any iPOD adapter for FM. The one with the most power wins.
As for FM broadcasters, get the iTrip, it can broadcast on ANY fm frequency. Plus it looks better.
ALSO For those of you who are still waiting on your iPod, when you recieve it, DONT OPEN IT. Take the SEALED iPod box to any apple store, show them a student ID, and get the 40gb version for $70 more. It comes with a docking station (~$30) so basically you're doubling your space for $40.
17-09-2004 14:59:56
I don't have an apple store nearby so feck that...i just wanna get my 20 gigger )
17-09-2004 15:00:40
I dunno - if I get HP i might drive to replace it with an apple - but 40 gigs doesnt matter to me
17-09-2004 15:04:17
40 gigs do matter to me since i have like 42 gb of music roll but since i can't get a 40 gigger, i'd be more than happy with my 20 ;)
17-09-2004 15:05:19
I have like 10 gigs of music or so - a lot I will be transferring from a friend of mine who has 60 gigs of music and a 20 gig ipod LOL
[quote411553f126="adam"]ALSO For those of you who are still waiting on your iPod, when you recieve it, DONT OPEN IT. Take the SEALED iPod box to any apple store, show them a student ID, and get the 40gb version for $70 more. It comes with a docking station (~$30) so basically you're doubling your space for $40.[/quote411553f126]
How would you actually get that big of discount? Have you tried this?
Does CompUSA honor Apple's discounts?
17-09-2004 15:07:09
What kind of student ID?
17-09-2004 15:15:30
the real kind o.o
17-09-2004 17:27:03
fm transmitters all suck. get a belkin power/line out that connects to the dock and plug it into the back of your stereo deck and set it for auxillary. my brother did that and it works PERFECT. great sound coming out of it. he's got amps and subs too so it works awesome with those.
17-09-2004 17:43:16
We tried a regular iTrip with my friend's iPod Mini... worked great. We just had to set the sound halfway (on the ipod) and get within like 7 feet to have a perfect signal. (depends on quality of song)
17-09-2004 17:43:44
hey admin- can you tell me where you bought this for 22?
2) ~$22 - Belkin Car Power + Line Out adaptor
17-09-2004 17:45:14
[quote0c417b778e="hacktek"][quote0c417b778e="calvinj23"]i think im just gonna pick up this
Belkin is a piece of shit[/quote0c417b778e]
Respectfully disagreed. My wife has one of those for her 3G iPod and it's the nicest thing since sliced bread. Hasn't failed once.
17-09-2004 17:46:54
17-09-2004 18:00:12
Ebay is awesome -D
17-09-2004 18:01:25
I'm definitely getting an iSkin for my iPod, and I'm also thinking about getting an iTalk for some of my classes (especially useful when teachers get talking too fast).
17-09-2004 18:02:19
WHOA! I had never seen an iTalk ... awesome!
17-09-2004 18:16:39
I definitely need an FM transmitter but I am so confused on which one to buy. I plan on using this in my office to play music through the boom box and in the car. Of course, I guess I could just buy speakers for the office, but then I'll need something to hook it into the car. I could get a cassette adapter I guess.. . oh I don't know, it's all so mindboggling right now.
I guess I'll just decide when the thing arrives from my friendly neighborhood UPS man...
If you're extremely concerned about quality of sound, I would go for the speakers in the office, and a tape adapter in the car. (Cassettes, although still shitty, are a bit better than FM). If you're really an audiophile, you should just get a car stereo with auxiliary inputs. But i'm cheap and lazy, and the cassette adapters works great for me )
17-09-2004 19:06:02
FYI if you signed up for Infone wait to get your $10 Amazon GC and get the iSkin through the Amazon iSkin.com storefront...shipping is $7.95 so the whole thing will only cost you $27 instead of $37...
17-09-2004 19:07:00
Ever since I got my headphones, I really really hated speakers, music on these things sounds 100x better than any speakers I've ever heard. I am no longer a gamer though and I want to listen to music when I am off the PC, I don't like wireless things and don't want a wireless headset, I think I might invest in good speakers..
If I am having a mid life crisis I will possibly get an iSkin or whatever too, most likely nothing fancy, I am very clumsy and do not want to get it scratched, I do not really care if it glows in the dark (I'd prefer it doesn't), I am just worried about scratching the lcd.
What speakers do you guys recommend? I do not want digital/computer speakers, something for my stereo..
17-09-2004 20:08:57
I suppose it depends on how much you want to spend. Polk is fairly overrated - I'd recommend Infiniti over Polk. Onkyo makes some nice all-in-one sets for under $500, and their other speakers are also good.
If you want top-of-the-line, look at B&W ($300+ per pair, I believe) and Focal (you'll sell your soul but love the quality of sound).
Beware of all-in-one sets and speakers from places like Best Buy and Circuit City. Those sets usually have speakers made with paper cones and very thin rubber surrounds...they will deteriorate much faster than quality speakers, so it may be worth your money to invest in the upper end lines. Look for speakers with cones made of either metal-coated paper or, if you go way up, Kevlar. The rubber surrounds of each speaker should be flexible but not so thin that when you pinch it it feels like one sheet of rubber instead of two.
17-09-2004 20:24:04
That's a good tip shifuimam. Hopefully my $10 GC arrives soon. My friend, who actually cancelled their infone service before being credited by Gratic received a GC but I still have not.
iwes, thanks for the suggestion. I used to have a CD player with aux input in my last car, but have only a factory stereo in my current one. I'll probably go with the cassette adapter for that.
17-09-2004 20:49:28
Any headphone rec's?
17-09-2004 21:05:20
For speakers, it all depends on what kind of money you're looking to spend.
B&W's are great, I really love them. You MIGHT be able to find a used pair for $300, but thats definitely on the low side. A decent set will be over a thousand for sure if you buy new. Polk I also like, yeah you're right, they are over rated (at least the newer ones, and I haven't listened to the new RTi series) but I love the vintage models they have. They can be bought reasonably cheap, probably a couple hundred for a nice pair. What kind of speakers you should get also has to take into account what kind of source you have. The rule of thumb in audio is that you should spend about 3 times on speakers what you did on your source (but remember, this is for new gear, and look at retail prices). What I would recommend is buying something decent, like a used Denon, or Onkyo receiver if you're trying to keep costs down. You can get something decent for under $100. Cd players I won't even go into because there is so much out there. Get yourself a decent pair of full range speakers, and a nice little receiver and you will LOVE it. Monster sells a cable called an iCable which is great for its purpose, or you could also use the Line-Out on the dock.
Post back what type of gear you already have, and I'll throw in my opinion on what would be good.
My bedroom setup
Carver TFM-35 Amp
Carver CT-seven Pre amp
NAD 701 Cd player
B&W DM602 Speakers
Monster interconnects
(A lot of older stuff here, but remember, good sound always sounds good!)
EDIT for Krist27 I have some Sennheiser hd280's and really like them. They are closed back, which is the only way I would go personally, because I can't be bothering people around me while listening to headphones.
17-09-2004 21:18:33
Yeah...Onkyo makes really good receivers for the lower price, IMHO...all I know on the B&Ws since I'm too poor to own my own set is that the guy who has them got them I believe at $300/pair but he may have gotten a deal from an insider or something. Polk is more a brand name than anything. Then again, I'm still stuck using my analog 5.1 system from Kinyo. Got it used for $50 two and a half years ago and it's STILL going strong!
18-09-2004 00:17:24
I'm really not sure my car system has that aux input...where would that be located?
18-09-2004 09:36:06
[quotefbbade8a3a="hacktek"]I'm really not sure my car system has that aux input...where would that be located?[/quotefbbade8a3a]
should be right on the front of the deck. my '04 sentra has the input right on the unit.
not a good pic but if you look to the far right you'll see the input

http//www.nissanusa.com/m/cma/i/5se/5sentra_int_si15_plug.jpg[" alt=""/imgfbbade8a3a]
I'd probably just get an iskin
18-09-2004 10:41:27
[quotef768454924="hacktek"]I'm really not sure my car system has that aux input...where would that be located?[/quotef768454924]
you are most likely going to find it in the back. It will be a red and white RCA duo. It's more of a luxury to have it on the front of the cd player, but most aftermarket car recievers Have them in the back (Aiwa is like the only company that puts it up front)
18-09-2004 10:52:31
This may be the coolest accessory to date. [b2054065ec0]iBoom[/b2054065ec0]!!!
18-09-2004 11:11:31
HA that iBoom is cool - its like the Altec Lansing speakers but better -D
18-09-2004 11:12:48
and around the same price I think
18-09-2004 11:13:21
Great - Gratis should offer thsoe too D
[quote54272b25eb="matt"][quote54272b25eb="adam"]ALSO For those of you who are still waiting on your iPod, when you recieve it, DONT OPEN IT. Take the SEALED iPod box to any apple store, show them a student ID, and get the 40gb version for $70 more. It comes with a docking station (~$30) so basically you're doubling your space for $40.[/quote54272b25eb]
How would you actually get that big of discount? Have you tried this?
Does CompUSA honor Apple's discounts?[/quote54272b25eb]
No, this will only work for the Apple store, if you bring in your iPod SEALED you can trade up. It is only a $100 difference, and they give student discounts. So you trade yours in and pay the difference.
18-09-2004 12:04:55
Oh! Thanks...i don't have it on the front ( i'll remove my radio to see if it's on the back