Completed your referrals? Need some advice
17-09-2004 12:56:07
Well, I've been trying for over a month to get some referrals. So far I have gotten 12 pendings and No completes. I'm just wondering if anyone can give me some advice on how to get some good referrals, I've tried making a conga (a real one that I was gonna upkeep), posting in other forums, and even traffic generating sites such as TrafficSwarm.
So if you have any good suggestions, please let me know )
17-09-2004 13:06:05
ask close friends that trust you, or pay someone
yeah or just go use someone elses computer to sign up for them
17-09-2004 13:18:39
Well, I don't wanto do anything that may get my account put on hold hehe, any good ways to get them online that im missing?
Thanks for your suggestions
17-09-2004 13:21:37
[quote6743f51512="mig"]yeah or just go use someone elses computer to sign up for them[/quote6743f51512]
His account will go on hold.
Just ask your real life friends. If you don't have any, get off the internet and make some.
Dark Jedi
17-09-2004 13:22:07
[quoteb312b35759="Relik"]Well, I don't wanto do anything that may get my account put on hold hehe, any good ways to get them online that im missing?
Thanks for your suggestions
There's really not a good way to get online referrals anymore. Most large communities have been so saturated with FIP referral links that they are just deleted outright, and even if left, generate few referrals. Just get friends and family to do it, and if they don't have credit cards, buy a virtual credit card from[] to use.
17-09-2004 13:22:10
Er, I talked to a bunch of people on IRC I knew. Only one did it though D
I hung out on #freeipods, and if I saw a noob who needed help, I talked to them and helped them out. Two of them signed up under me and did offers.
On some forums I added a simple text link and made a post about it (make sure they haven't been spammed with a lot of this before, if they get pissed off at you, you could get reported. So I kept it pretty low key.)
And I posted on one forum with a bunch of obnoxious banners in my signature (with my referral link of course.) This is where I got the bulk of my referrals (66/108) and how I got my final 2 completed referrals.
The banners I made and used

http//[" alt=""/img3f3febf26e]
[img="3f3febf26e]http//[" alt=""/img3f3febf26e]
[img="3f3febf26e]http//[" alt=""/img3f3febf26e]
17-09-2004 13:23:13
All I can add is just pester your friends. That's what I did... I just didn't leave them alone until they completed their offers.
It worked...
17-09-2004 13:24:35
I was lucky because I already have a solid online presence with a solid userbase who come to my page at least once a month (usually more).
so I just put my link up on my site and just waited.
For others, I can see where there could be a high dificulty in getting referrals and especially getting referrals to complete offers..
and although I totally loathe conga lines, for users who have no ability to get referrals on their own, then getting into a conga line early is the best way to do it. Don't try to start your own as there are already too many congas already out there.. you just have to have "luck" and be in the right place at the right time when a conga starts.
also doesn't hurt to market yourself without resorting to spamming. People hate spam. They also hate being pressured into clicking links. You need to find a way to get your link public without people feeling pressured or forced into signing up. Most people make "guide" pages for this, but as I've found out, there are far too many of those too.
My personal suggestion is to build an online presence, and use that. Unfortunately, it isn't something you can usually do in a week or two. I've been building my presence for about 4 or 5 years now.
17-09-2004 13:26:57
Cool, thanks guys D
If anyone has anything else to add, please do.
[quotec5a06b98d7="Drakier"]I was lucky because I already have a solid online presence with a solid userbase who come to my page at least once a month (usually more).
so I just put my link up on my site and just waited.
For others, I can see where there could be a high dificulty in getting referrals and especially getting referrals to complete offers..
and although I totally loathe conga lines, for users who have no ability to get referrals on their own, then getting into a conga line early is the best way to do it. Don't try to start your own as there are already too many congas already out there.. you just have to have "luck" and be in the right place at the right time when a conga starts.
also doesn't hurt to market yourself without resorting to spamming. People hate spam. They also hate being pressured into clicking links. You need to find a way to get your link public without people feeling pressured or forced into signing up. Most people make "guide" pages for this, but as I've found out, there are far too many of those too.
My personal suggestion is to build an online presence, and use that. Unfortunately, it isn't something you can usually do in a week or two. I've been building my presence for about 4 or 5 years now.[/quotec5a06b98d7]
I started my own conga and it worked great
17-09-2004 13:50:13
oh yeah, for all the places i had links in my sig, i was already a member. i posted a little more than i used to, but i was already established with a few hundred posts. dont just sign up to spam them, it will piss people off.
17-09-2004 13:50:39
[quoteff9c9364fc="mig"]I started my own conga and it worked great[/quoteff9c9364fc]
you also started early I'm guessing... starting a conga line now would be a little more difficult. The problem is that the "craze" is getting saturated now and a lot of peopel who would do the offers and get an ipod already did.. all you really get starting a conga at this stage is the late-comers... and them for them, chances are they will never get their referrals either...
Mathematically speaking, conga lines are only good for the first group of people .... (under 150)... once you're signed up and you're that far in the list, it will be a while before you get put on the top of the list.. in fact.. chances are, unless a LOT of peopel join after you, you'll NEVER be put ont he list.... which is the main reason I loathe conga lines so much. They are just soooo unfair. Its not bad enough that freeipods is a big pyrimid scheme, but then to throw another "line" on top of that adds insult to injury.
lishrugli as I said, its a personal opinion, and I just think its a little late to try congas. starting your own would probably be better than joining one at this stage, but don't expect it to take off.
17-09-2004 13:56:06
and it seems like a lot of conga lines get abandoned soon after the owner gets enough referrals...unless it's on a more or less established site...
17-09-2004 14:37:59
Anyone used the It says on there
Enter Any Gift Amount
($20 - $200)
Can you buy one for less than $20.00?
17-09-2004 16:05:02
Offer to pay people. Weather or not you choose to pay them is up to you )
17-09-2004 22:12:13
[quoted886244910="Relik"]Anyone used the It says on there
Enter Any Gift Amount
($20 - $200)
Can you buy one for less than $20.00?
The true minimum is $5. I know cause I have used it a few times for freeipods and put just $5 on it.
17-09-2004 22:20:05
cool, thx
I asked everyone on my buddy list, friends, family, spammed irc, icq chat, yahoo chat, aol chat, and some other random chat things that I googled up, and I ended up with around 19 yellows and 5 greens...
18-09-2004 21:30:02
I'm have a pretty hard time doing this also cry
I have only ONE complete and the rest joined
i made a xanga and the link there but alot of people never complete the offer =-(.
[I'm about to get banned. -flatline]
18-09-2004 21:55:04
Why, I recall the rules saying in big bold letters, [b47a16cb18b]don't post your fucking referral link[/b47a16cb18b].
It's so easy to NOT break the rules, and yet...
[quotefc503fbf59="Supacold"]I'm have a pretty hard time doing this also cry
I have only ONE complete and the rest joined
i made a xanga and the link there but alot of people never complete the offer =-(.
When i went in to the Mirc changel #freeipods there was no one there =-( .
am i in the right one?[/quotefc503fbf59]
you need to learn how to read and besides, everyone here is already signed up
18-09-2004 22:14:56
o... sorry cry cry
i was say if you KNOW anyone that hasn't join yet and is interested in join can you please refer them to me??
18-09-2004 22:59:29
hehe, well, back on topic, anymore help would be appreciated ;]