18-09-2004 23:49:09
I would say that the Ipod craze is definetely catching on. 2 months ago, I had only been aware of the existence of Ipods. After visiting a local Apple Store in the mall (anyone else have one of these in their mall?) I knew that I needed one of these. I'm new to the forums, but today was the day I finished my 5 referrals. I'm awaiting approval, and I'm very excited about receiving it (though not excited about the wait!!!). Well, I'll be sure to send my pictures in once I receive my lovely new Ipod ^_^
congratz on getting your 5
19-09-2004 01:00:10
Hope u get it fast...and i hope i get it fast...i hope everyone gets it fast D
19-09-2004 01:56:20
19-09-2004 05:01:52
Congrats to you.
Pass the time waiting by converting your CD collection to ACC format. That's what I'm doing... it takes a bit to convert 5,000 songs )
[quote94546663b1="tyketto"]Congrats to you.
Pass the time waiting by converting your CD collection to ACC format. That's what I'm doing... it takes a bit to convert 5,000 songs )[/quote94546663b1]
yeah it does, i imported 10 cd's yesterday, that took a while
19-09-2004 07:48:32
why acc? aren't mp3s fine? and i heard that everytime you convert anything, it lowers the quality.
congrats. i just got my 5 on thursday and was confirmed on friday. now i'm processing.
19-09-2004 07:52:34
Everything I've read suggests that ACC is higher quality with lower file size.
If you already have everything in MP3, then no, you don't want to change.
But if you're converting from your CDs, then you may want to consider using the ACC file format.
Anything you download off iTunes is in ACC format.
19-09-2004 07:57:08
[quote825624ea06="tyketto"]Everything I've read suggests that ACC is higher quality with lower file size.
If you already have everything in MP3, then no, you don't want to change.
But if you're converting from your CDs, then you may want to consider using the ACC file format.
Anything you download off iTunes is in ACC format.[/quote825624ea06]
Agreed AAC is good for anything not already in MP3 format
19-09-2004 08:25:11
theres no wayI would be able to fit all of my CDs onto an iPod. Im just gonna pick the best ones
19-09-2004 08:41:10
Yeah, I'm being somewhat selective too. But I should get the majority of discs I listen to regularly, plus everything I've purchased on iTunes...
The 5,000 song estimate is based on ACC format BTW.
19-09-2004 08:45:27
I'm probably the exact opposite. I have like 2gb of music including all my cd's, which isnt that pathetic considering I use rhapsody to listen to music, but it stinks because i have nothing good to put on my ipod when it comes.
19-09-2004 09:26:23
Yeah, according to winamp, I have
715 Mp3's, with a total playing time of 443538, using 2.62gb.
19-09-2004 09:49:11
I'm no where near done and I have 8.6 GB or 6.2 days worth.
19-09-2004 09:56:35
Can i ask where did you find people to complete your iPod offer?
I'm still having a hard time gettting my 5 cry
so far i have 1 cry cry
Any sites that have a conga that you guys can give me or a place where i can find people that wants to join?
19-09-2004 10:10:58
AGH!! I only have like 200 songs...
19-09-2004 10:16:00
2234 files, 5 Days 21 Hours 8 Minutes 53 Seconds, 8.96GB
19-09-2004 10:18:56
this is what im looking at for mp3's (on this comp that labtop has another 6 - 7 gigs of diff. stuff)

http//[" alt=""/imgae6cf1c58c]
19-09-2004 10:20:23
I have 15 GB of mp3's in 1920 files
19-09-2004 12:22:44
9691 tracks in playlist, average track length 336
Playlist length 583 hours 31 minutes 7 seconds
39.2 GB
19-09-2004 14:39:39
damn, hackteck just beat me...
as ive been going thru and tagging them all, ive been weeding some crap out so it was higher as of friday. hahaha insane....

http//[" alt=""/imgda6dd015e3]
19-09-2004 14:47:22
does anyone know a mp3 ro aac batch converter?
19-09-2004 14:56:58
19-09-2004 21:48:00
[quote8916275589="JGrayland"]damn, hackteck just beat me...
as ive been going thru and tagging them all, ive been weeding some crap out so it was higher as of friday. hahaha insane....

http//[" alt=""/img8916275589][/quote8916275589]
Holy crap! You actually went tagging everything? Must have taken a lot of patience...i'm just gonna transfer them as they are...i really don't care since most of it is in directories anyway
20-09-2004 19:38:20
Didn't think of that, but I'm doing that right now. My approval just went through today, and I redeemed my offer for the Apple 20 gig. I was really surprised to find out that a lot of people have a hard time getting these referrals done... No, I don't have any suggestions for anyone, just to remember that free ipods should practically sell themselves.

http/" alt=""/[/imgfd9e679e8b]
20-09-2004 19:51:58
can you delete all the songs off of your computer, once you've transferred them to your ipod? does that have anything to do with the "synchronize iTunes and iPod" setting?
i don't want to transfer all of my songs to my ipod, then delete them from itunes, only to find out that once i reconnect my ipod, it will delete them as well...
20-09-2004 21:06:36
It will delete them if it has autosync turned on. It automatically makes your iPod's music match your library on your computer.
20-09-2004 22:03:07
[quotebc52e30ae9="rosenduger"]can you delete all the songs off of your computer, once you've transferred them to your ipod? does that have anything to do with the "synchronize iTunes and iPod" setting?
i don't want to transfer all of my songs to my ipod, then delete them from itunes, only to find out that once i reconnect my ipod, it will delete them as well...[/quotebc52e30ae9]
Depends on the software you're using and what you have the iPod set to do. If you use iTunes there's a good chance something will get screwed up. (I have no faith in iTunes). If you use Anapod it will NOT delete files off the iPod unless you specifically tell it to. I wouldn't recommend deleting mp3s off your hard drive after you put them on the iPod, since you never know what might happen to your iPod...if it got stolen or something, there goes 20GB of music... shock
21-09-2004 04:42:17
Sorry, I should have added that to my response. If you use iTunes and the sync option, it will make your iPod match your computer's library. iTunes does have a manual option which does not automatically delete the songs.
21-09-2004 06:32:45
[quote80290bdbcf="eggman90"]does anyone know a mp3 ro aac batch converter?[/quote80290bdbcf]
There's no good reason to do that. You would just degrade the sound quality.
AAC has higher compression, and better quality (in almost all cases).
It's also designed to use less CPU (making it ideal for controlling power consumption of small devices like iPods, cell phones, and PDA's).
more here
Converting from mp3 to AAC is a waste. MP3 is lossy, there is a loss of data. So your converting from an impure source.
Only create AAC from a CD, or AIFF, or some lossless encoded file. Otherwise, your just wasting your time.
Apple's iTunes store uses AAC. So that's a prime source for some good AAC audio. Low file size, good sound.