Questions about the $400 BestBuy giftcard! Jake plz?
22-03-2006 19:43:11
1. My order was sent to fufillment today for it, how long should it be before I get an email for the details on it?
2. Is just for or is it a supercertificate?
3. Which address will it be coming from? I don't want it to get filtered into my junk folder! shock
Thanks to anyone who has already asked these questions of customer service and can provide the answers!
22-03-2006 20:34:44
You wont get an email and prolly wont get a giftcard
22-03-2006 21:33:44
Ha, get in the back of the line....
23-03-2006 02:47:05
ffactoryx he said it was sent to fulfillment, so he's obviously getting one.
1. About a week
2. It's from, and you can choose which vendor you want the gift cards for, down to $25 increments.
3. It'll come from someone
23-03-2006 04:12:48
so can you get a 400 dollar visa giftcard?
23-03-2006 04:17:00
[quotea3f4136b3d="bjrock11"]so can you get a 400 dollar visa giftcard?[/quotea3f4136b3d]
I dont believe that anything like that (Visa/Amex/MC) are available. I'm pretty sure they're store-specific. It makes sense, though. The reason a reseller like can make money, is that stores are willing to sell their giftcards to a reseller for less, because it's a guaranteed customer.
23-03-2006 05:53:43 doesn't have best buy as an option nor circuit city. what retailer would people take?
23-03-2006 06:05:51
Once you get your gift card from them, Best Buy is an option. They are "select merchants". I've gotten gift cards, trust me, they are available.
23-03-2006 08:00:32
could the giftcard be used for a different merchant? or break apart the supercert into a few different merchants? or do we have to get teh best buy gift cert?
23-03-2006 08:07:17
[quote1a8817cf98="bjrock11"]could the giftcard be used for a different merchant? or break apart the supercert into a few different merchants? or do we have to get teh best buy gift cert?[/quote1a8817cf98]
You could go to different merchants for different denominations of giftcards, whatever your little heart desires.
23-03-2006 08:37:03
The giftcard is in leu of an xbox360. I promise there will be a merchant that sells 360s for this card.
I Throw
23-03-2006 12:10:39
23-03-2006 12:13:48
23-03-2006 12:15:12
Sweet im STV as well )
I Throw
23-03-2006 12:16:19
i have yet to see a cs ticket that didn't say "THank you"
23-03-2006 12:20:19
[quote174d707803="I Throw"]"We are willing to replace the xbox with a 400 dollar giftcard. I will send your information to our fulfillment department and someone will place your order. Someone should be in contact with you about your order. [b174d707803]Please do not share this offer with other users.[/b174d707803] THank you"[/quote174d707803]
Did you post this just to be an ass?
23-03-2006 12:21:30
[quote2b4c7108f1="drunkmonkey"][quote2b4c7108f1="I Throw"]"We are willing to replace the xbox with a 400 dollar giftcard. I will send your information to our fulfillment department and someone will place your order. Someone should be in contact with you about your order. [b2b4c7108f1]Please do not share this offer with other users.[/b2b4c7108f1] THank you"[/quote2b4c7108f1]
Did you post this just to be an ass?[/quote2b4c7108f1]
They told everyone that. I don't think this is a secret on this board lol.
23-03-2006 12:25:42
They didn't tell me that.
I Throw
23-03-2006 12:42:18
[quote8cd0467daa="drunkmonkey"][quote8cd0467daa="I Throw"]"We are willing to replace the xbox with a 400 dollar giftcard. I will send your information to our fulfillment department and someone will place your order. Someone should be in contact with you about your order. [b8cd0467daa]Please do not share this offer with other users.[/b8cd0467daa] THank you"[/quote8cd0467daa]
Did you post this just to be an ass?[/quote8cd0467daa]
like you didn't know about it already...
23-03-2006 12:56:30
[quote114319910d="I Throw"][quote114319910d="drunkmonkey"][quote114319910d="I Throw"]"We are willing to replace the xbox with a 400 dollar giftcard. I will send your information to our fulfillment department and someone will place your order. Someone should be in contact with you about your order. [b114319910d]Please do not share this offer with other users.[/b114319910d] THank you"[/quote114319910d]
Did you post this just to be an ass?[/quote114319910d]
like you didn't know about it already...[/quote114319910d]
The funny thing is, you didn't even add any comments to it, or give a reason for posting it. You got a message from CS, that said not to share it with others, and the first thing you did was copied and pasted it onto a message board for freebie users. It seems like you did it just to spite them.
I Throw
23-03-2006 12:57:17
i was showing a screen shot saying my xbox order was STV
i blame history
23-03-2006 13:37:30
i do think that its kind of odd that everyone has been told to not share the information, yet they blatantly disregard that snippet, even while posting the entire thing on a public forum. i wouldnt do that, just out of fear of... you know... freepay employees getting mighty angry when they see this.
not that i fully understand why they want it kept a secret, because the fact that they are giving giftcards makes them look very good... but i wouldnt flash it everywhere simply because all it takes is someone saying "no" to ruin all of your chances with freepay.
23-03-2006 13:43:21
[quote0ebed153f4="i blame history"]i do think that its kind of odd that everyone has been told to not share the information, yet they blatantly disregard that snippet, even while posting the entire thing on a public forum. i wouldnt do that, just out of fear of... you know... freepay employees getting mighty angry when they see this.
not that i fully understand why they want it kept a secret, because the fact that they are giving giftcards makes them look very good... but i wouldnt flash it everywhere simply because all it takes is someone saying "no" to ruin all of your chances with freepay.[/quote0ebed153f4]
But it's not a secret...if you entered this thread, then you already know about it lol.
23-03-2006 13:56:36
Oh snap, I got the email already!!!!
23-03-2006 13:58:03
I just got mine..
23-03-2006 13:58:38
Where is best buy!!?
23-03-2006 14:00:22
I can't find it either!
23-03-2006 14:00:31
[quote53352c41a3="Drummer16161616"]Where is best buy!!?[/quote53352c41a3]
I don't see Best Buy, Circuit City, Walmart or target.. roll
23-03-2006 14:01:55
omg what do we do!?
23-03-2006 14:03:08
I searched by merchant name and got this
[quoteef665f3f31]We do not offer Best Buy gift certificates.
However, we would like to suggest the following alternatives
Borders Books and Music®
Crutchfield Electronics
The Sharper Image®[/quoteef665f3f31]
But I could have sworn others had this issue in the past with the site...
23-03-2006 14:03:14
I could careless.. lol..
I wanted a GC and I got one, so now I just got to find a place to spend it on.
codex avellum
23-03-2006 14:04:09
it says this
Electronics Gift Certificates
Best Buy
Circuit City
Crutchfield Electronics
Discovery Channel Store
The Sharper Image®
23-03-2006 14:05:44
23-03-2006 14:10:50
wait so how do we get best buy?
23-03-2006 14:10:55
23-03-2006 14:13:35
23-03-2006 14:13:46
I just got mine too!
23-03-2006 14:14:26
From the thread
[quotef83a643b64="Retro"]It's weird. I realize that if I go the site withou puting my super giftcertificate number in amazon and best buy don't show up. [bf83a643b64]when I went and put the number in, amazon was there[/bf83a643b64]. [/quotef83a643b64][/quotef83a643b64]
Uh, I did that lol
For some reason, the website does not list the Select merchants which are included for the certificates that we order.
We pay a premium for each certificate delivered in order to ensure that our customers can go to at least one electronics retailer to redeem their gift cards. If we did not do this, then each batch of certificates that we send would have a different group of retailers at which you could redeem them.
Rest assured, you will be able to go to a reputable electronics retailer with your gift card because [i7d5d41f3df]we pay to ensure this.[/i7d5d41f3df]
The retailer will undoubtedly be Best Buy.
23-03-2006 14:17:38
[quote6e17b7a729="Jake"]For some reason, the website does not list the Select merchants which are included for the certificates that we order.
We pay a premium for each certificate delivered in order to ensure that our customers can go to at least one electronics retailer to redeem their gift cards. If we did not do this, then each batch of certificates that we send would have a different group of retailers at which you could redeem them.
Rest assured, you will be able to go to a reputable electronics retailer with your gift card because [i6e17b7a729]we pay to ensure this.[/i6e17b7a729]
The retailer will undoubtedly be Best Buy.[/quote6e17b7a729]
How do we do redeem them for Best Buy though? Do we need to call them or something?
23-03-2006 14:17:59
Thanks Jake for the info. -D
23-03-2006 14:18:12
Here are the electronic sites that i can redeem my cert
Crutchfield Electronics
THanks for the cert btw, just hope i find how to use best buy
23-03-2006 14:19:03
[quote9bc5c8ba43="bonehead848"]Here are the electronic sites that i can redeem my cert
Crutchfield Electronics
THanks for the cert btw, just hope i find how to use best buy[/quote9bc5c8ba43]
yea I have that list as well.
23-03-2006 14:19:12
Same here. I called CS and was told that the company who sent it to me did NOT choose any of those stores(BB, CC, Target, Walmart) as options for the SuperCertificate. Freepay's CS told me it was going to be for Best Buy.
23-03-2006 14:20:13
Oh no...
[quoted230ea6642="supafreak00"]Same here. I called CS and was told that the company who sent it to me did NOT choose any of those stores(BB, CC, Target, Walmart) as options for the SuperCertificate. Freepay's CS told me it was going to be for Best Buy.[/quoted230ea6642]
Msg me about this. Give me your account information and stuff too.
We have had this problem with them before.
23-03-2006 14:22:18
Just did, Jake. Not sure what all info you wanted though...
23-03-2006 14:22:30
what info do you need?
Don't redeem your certificates until tomorrow when I will have a proper solution for you.
23-03-2006 14:26:24
Sounds good, thanks a ton Jake )
23-03-2006 14:26:38
Redeem? Do you mean buy the other gift certificates?
23-03-2006 14:26:39
Alright, thanks )
23-03-2006 14:26:56
[quote5fcadcbc10="punjabGTRR34"]Redeem? Do you mean buy the other gift certificates?[/quote5fcadcbc10]
He means "checkout"
23-03-2006 14:28:05
Ok. Thanks +karma.
23-03-2006 14:30:08
Yeah I need amazon. You can pretty much get anything at amazon.
23-03-2006 14:42:03
wow, i ask for a giftcard and i get put on hold i dont understand them
23-03-2006 14:45:49
[quotef71c57d7aa="Cow-Tipper"]wow, i ask for a giftcard and i get put on hold i dont understand them[/quotef71c57d7aa]
LOL that's too funny
23-03-2006 14:51:12
Thanks Jake. Can we combine this one with other ones we get?
23-03-2006 14:53:59
Had that same problem with my giftcard. The way to get Bestbuy is everytime you access do it through the link in your email from Freepay. That is the only way I can ever get BB or Amazon to show up.
23-03-2006 14:54:36
[quote0880e6dcc4="Drummer16161616"][quote0880e6dcc4="punjabGTRR34"]Redeem? Do you mean buy the other gift certificates?[/quote0880e6dcc4]
He means "checkout"[/quote0880e6dcc4]
How positive are you that he means that? i think he means do not click the link in the email and do not redeem.
As in do not click the redeem button

http//[" alt=""/img0880e6dcc4]
If he means this then that would be a shame, because i just clicked that.
23-03-2006 14:54:41
[quote9dc761073d="Wolfeman"]Thanks Jake. Can we combine this one with other ones we get?[/quote9dc761073d]
Yup, you can just keep orderin em until you run out of Supercertificate )
I Throw
23-03-2006 14:57:20
so is this good for best buy or what?
23-03-2006 14:57:33
[quote2100b715d6="silentkevin"][quote2100b715d6="Drummer16161616"][quote2100b715d6="punjabGTRR34"]Redeem? Do you mean buy the other gift certificates?[/quote2100b715d6]
He means "checkout"[/quote2100b715d6]
How positive are you that he means that? i think he means do not click the link in the email and do not redeem.
As in do not click the redeem button

http//[" alt=""/img2100b715d6]
If he means this then that would be a shame, because i just clicked that.[/quote2100b715d6]
Logically, it would make sense that as long as you still have the balance in the account, they will be able to add the merchants. I clicked that link too lol.
23-03-2006 14:58:05
[quote9f8cba59b8="I Throw"]so is this good for best buy or what?[/quote9f8cba59b8]
READ THE DAMN THREAD. Yes, it will be good for Best Buy. If the one people got isn't, Jake will fix it tomorrow.
23-03-2006 14:59:05
Im pretty sure redeem means actually picking out cards, like you are clicking the button to go redeem your card
I Throw
23-03-2006 15:03:29
[quotea624e1ca0c="CollidgeGraduit"][quotea624e1ca0c="I Throw"]so is this good for best buy or what?[/quotea624e1ca0c]
READ THE DAMN THREAD. Yes, it will be good for Best Buy. If the one people got isn't, Jake will fix it tomorrow.[/quotea624e1ca0c]
sorry i read up to drummer161616 then checked my certificate and posted without refreshing
apparently a lot went on between my bad
23-03-2006 16:49:55
2nd day shipping isnt free anymore anymore
23-03-2006 16:56:56
[quote0730000752="ffactoryxx"]2nd day shipping isnt free anymore anymore[/quote0730000752]
It is. if you click on your supercert from Freepay check out the url after you "redeem" your giftcert and you are searching for merchants. It has the word incentive in there. It's a whole separate weblayout from the "normal" page.
This is the shipping rules for the "normal" orders.
This is the shipping rules for the incentive orders.
[list0730000752]Shipping fees are only charged if you request special handling of your redeemed certificate. Your gifts will be delivered for free by email or US Postal Service unless you specify a special handling upgrade. offers several upgrades in order to provide better service to its clients who might require faster shipping options.
Email Free
US Postal Service Free
FedEx 2 Day, 1-2 lbs $8.95
FedEx Priority Overnight $14.95[/listu0730000752]
edit lol to sum it all up. No it isn't available to [b0730000752]us[/b0730000752]... lol
23-03-2006 17:04:39
Are $300 gift cards going to be available for iPods since they seem to never be coming in?
23-03-2006 17:07:30
Well looks like ordering from BB online is a no go. They are now listed as not in stock although they had them earlier today. I guess I'll just wait for Freepay to send out the systems.
23-03-2006 17:23:59
[quote69cb04e9b8="clor0x"]Are $300 gift cards going to be available for iPods since they seem to never be coming in?[/quote69cb04e9b8]
No. They have been sending iPods.
23-03-2006 19:02:20
23-03-2006 20:14:03
Ok...this may be a dumb question, but can you use the SuperCertificate on items with mail-in rebates and still get the cash back?
23-03-2006 20:26:05
yes, its just like paying for the item in cash.
24-03-2006 06:35:23
[quoteeac7dfb2f3]Please disregard the certificate received in your email yesterday from FreePay. These certificates were processed incorrectly. You will receive a replacement certificate later today with the same subject line. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thanks!
I Throw
24-03-2006 06:38:07
i just got that too
24-03-2006 07:08:11
i know this is stupid but how do you email freepay and ask them about the gift certificate?
thanks in advance
24-03-2006 07:08:58
Okay here is some info I received it may help
[i18ac4ce438]There seems to be a bit of confusion on everybody’s part as to what exactly is the Select SuperCertificate, so I’ll try to clear it up for you as best as I can.
The Select SuperCertificate is basically a redemption number that is emailed by our gift cards supplier – to our customers. It can be redeemed for any one or more merchant-specific gift cards from various participating merchants. The list of merchants can be viewed at This merchant list includes more well-known brand name merchants from the ones associated with just a regular SuperCertificate. If you simply went to and viewed the merchant list on their site and not via the direct link that I provided, you will only see the merchants associated with the regular SuperCertificate and not of that for the Select SuperCertificate.
Depending on which merchant you select a gift card from, they may either email or mail you their particular gift card. I believe that Best Buy mails their gift cards to you. I’m unsure about Wal-Mart. It’s specific to each merchant as to which delivery method that they use for sending out their gift cards. I believe at checkout of your Select SuperCertificate redemption number for a specific gift card, it will request delivery information from you. It’s at that point that you should know whether the merchant-specific gift card will be emailed or mailed to you.[/i18ac4ce438]
24-03-2006 07:09:30
[quote34415ad2c4="Jet05"]i know this is stupid but how do you email freepay and ask them about the gift certificate?
thanks in advance[/quote34415ad2c4]
You have to submit a support ticket via the website.
I Throw
24-03-2006 07:24:50
by the way i just got my new GC and best buy is on there now!
24-03-2006 07:34:56
just oredered my best buy.
24-03-2006 07:38:37
Just got my fixed one, next week is going to be a good week, lots of stuff coming )
24-03-2006 09:13:26
yeah mine was fixed as well
thanks jake, and freepay
24-03-2006 09:19:26
Thanks a bunch Jake! )
24-03-2006 09:49:00
i just put in a ticket to get a GC instead. hopefully it comes through )
24-03-2006 11:26:04
New one now includes Amazon too
Ace Hardware
Bahama Breeze
Best Buy
Circuit City®
Olive Garden®
Red Lobster®
The Home Depot®
24-03-2006 11:29:37
how long did it take for y'all to get the email?...also who is it from so i can add them to my spam filter so it doesnt get deleted
24-03-2006 11:31:13
From egifts@
Subject Your FREE Gift Certificate from FreePay
I took a few days...
24-03-2006 11:35:35
my faith in freepay stil havne't been restored but it's a step up )
i blame history
24-03-2006 11:55:11
eh... now i am really contemplating this. not because i have some huge hurry to get the thing, but just so i can get it done and over with. i still cant figure it out exactly how the gift cards work, though. so far i have seen different stories about different stores.
I Throw
24-03-2006 12:00:03
pretty much you can buy $400 worth of gift cirtificates to wherever you want
some work online
some mail you an actual card
there is no fee and shipping is free as long as you use the regular us mail
i have 4 $100 best buy cards coming in the mail
i just love seeing this

http//[" alt=""/img4f73096a46]
i blame history
24-03-2006 12:20:15
so basically, best buy is one of the merchants that sends you physical gift cards to take to the store and use at checkout?
hmmm... i wonder if they are the little yellow tag shaped cards that change designs when you move them back and forth... $400 AND something to provide entertainment!
honestly, id have a very hard time not spending it before a store got a 360 in. there is so much i could get.
or i could be smart and get walmart cards from this and the walmart card form the trainn 360 site and eat for free for about half a year or so. but thats no fun.
now i dont know what to do. meh. wait and pay no tax, or do it now and drop about $30.
I Throw
24-03-2006 12:25:17
i plan on using mine to get a new TV
i could care less about getting a 360 untill halo 3 comes out anyway
You are all very welcome.
Enjoy your new toys )
24-03-2006 13:39:36
OK a few questions before I decide to get a card of just wait.
Jake, Any word from your supplier when they expect to recieve systems?
I go to circuit city more so if I ordered thier card would it be a physical card I get mailed to me?
Best Buy and Circuit City's site say keep checking back on thier site for availability so my question is do anyone know how often thier websites recieve new shipments because they say they get steady shipments of them in?
24-03-2006 14:08:44
everytime i try to summit a support ticket, it says please select an order. Can someone give my some more specific instructions. Thanks
24-03-2006 14:30:51
Looks like BestBuy and Amazon are both out of xbox360s
Is the $399 system on that page the same one that freepay will be sending when they get their own stock?
Can you use the supercerts in a physical store?
24-03-2006 14:37:37
[quote25bea09cd7="Rodney"]Looks like BestBuy and Amazon are both out of xbox360s
Is the $399 system on that page the same one that freepay will be sending when they get their own stock?
Can you use the supercerts in a physical store?[/quote25bea09cd7]
Yes for the same system
Yes for you can use the GC for the online purchase
24-03-2006 14:41:41
[quotee20ec251d3]Yes for you can use the GC for the online purchase[/quotee20ec251d3]
Thanks for the answer to the first question.
My second question was actually about [be20ec251d3]offline[/be20ec251d3] (ie physical brick and mortar store) purchases. Are the GCs good OFFline?
24-03-2006 14:51:27
freepay sends an online giftcard that can be redeemed for a giftcard at numerous online retailers. If you choose best buy you recieve an actuall giftcard in your hand through the mail, so when you get it you can choose to use it online or in the store.
the whole point of this is being able to walk into the store though
24-03-2006 14:54:34
When they say expect the gc in 7 days do they mean the e-mail or the actual card? because I just asked if they would give me one today and they said yea.
24-03-2006 15:02:44
[quote4742460a9f="stackattack5"]When they say expect the gc in 7 days do they mean the e-mail or the actual card? because I just asked if they would give me one today and they said yea.[/quote4742460a9f]
They'll approve you today, process the application for the gift card and a couple days later the email will arrive (pretty much spelling out what Wolfe wrote above). Then, if you choose a Best Buy GC they'll mail one to you.
24-03-2006 15:08:16
Cool, thanks for the info.
Has there been any update as to freepay getting their own stock?
It would be kind of nice to get it from freepay like the other gifts (and get my free black t-shirt ))
24-03-2006 15:13:18
How long did it take to get a response from cs? I asked yesterday...
24-03-2006 15:26:11
they won't let me submit ticket!!!
24-03-2006 15:33:02
[quote861f3ae324="Jake"]You are all very welcome.
Enjoy your new toys )[/quote861f3ae324]
I will. So far I ordered
250GB External Harddrive
512MB of Ram
Logitech Wireless Optical Mouse
I ordered those from TigerDirect. The rest of the SuperCertificate I used for $150 worth of Best Buy GiftCards. -D
24-03-2006 18:01:45
Thanks FreePay!
I got my spring quarter textbooks for free (
And I got me some ROBOT CHICKEN VOL. 1!
Best show EVER.
24-03-2006 19:20:23
Nice, mine's already on its way via fedex 2 day shipping )
24-03-2006 20:23:21
[quote89f5b14d59="Wolfeman"]New one now includes Amazon too
Ace Hardware
Bahama Breeze
Best Buy
Circuit City®
Olive Garden®
Red Lobster®
The Home Depot®
sweeet.... just requested the 400.00 cg and they said i should get it in 7-10 days )
Just curious... has anyone who received their GCs been able to purchase a 360 off the site? (right now its Sold Out)
Jake, Any word from your supplier when they expect to recieve systems?
None that I know of yet. Mind you, I just got in...
I Throw
27-03-2006 09:09:50
i ordered them to be sent standard US mail (the free option)
but they just got delivered by FEDEX 2 day mail

http/" alt=""/"76/4971/15vm1.jpg[" alt=""/img7acc1fa6c0]
27-03-2006 09:16:16
Jake, Any word from your supplier when they expect to recieve systems?
None that I know of yet. Mind you, I just got in...[/quoteeaf643652b]
LMAO, give the guy a chance to get some coffee and relax for a minute before you rush him with questions.....
27-03-2006 09:20:59
Does opting for the giftcard mean no t-shirt?
27-03-2006 10:38:09
Jake, Any word from your supplier when they expect to recieve systems?
None that I know of yet. Mind you, I just got in...[/quotef55c5d9e84]
LMAO, give the guy a chance to get some coffee and relax for a minute before you rush him with questions.....[/quotef55c5d9e84]
LOL I asked this on Friday. I wasn't tring to rush him.
GSXR 600
27-03-2006 12:23:00
I was just SVT for the card..I asked for it on friday.
27-03-2006 12:24:46
[quoted8978faf64="I Throw"]i ordered them to be sent standard US mail (the free option)
but they just got delivered by FEDEX 2 day mail

http/" alt=""/"76/4971/15vm1.jpg[" alt=""/imgd8978faf64][/quoted8978faf64]
When did you order? I ordered $150 Best Buy on Friday.
27-03-2006 13:12:25
Mine's out for delivery today... still waitin...
27-03-2006 13:15:30
How long is it from STV to receiving the email? I just went STV today.
I Throw
27-03-2006 13:18:58
[quotee22ccabc37="punjabGTRR34"][quotee22ccabc37="I Throw"]i ordered them to be sent standard US mail (the free option)
but they just got delivered by FEDEX 2 day mail

http/" alt=""/"76/4971/15vm1.jpg[" alt=""/imge22ccabc37][/quotee22ccabc37]
When did you order? I ordered $150 Best Buy on Friday.[/quotee22ccabc37]
ordered friday and it got here this morning
you have to sign for it so make sure you answer the door
27-03-2006 13:20:21
Is there a way to track it?
27-03-2006 13:42:24
you get an email with a link and info
BTW, for all of those who wondered why I never answered the question about gift cards on here....
I was told not to advertise the option of getting a gift card as a replacement for a 360. HOWEVER, if someone messaged me directly and asked, I would fulfill immediately.
There were several people who asked and they were the first ones to take advantage of this opportunity.
27-03-2006 14:08:27
/me PMs Jake demanding 360 remote control
oh your inbox is going to love that
30-03-2006 15:22:59
I filled out a ticket for the Gift Card and they sent me a message saying [quoteb8839c8d60]Due to the high volume of customer inquiries, we cannot provide each person with a time frame of when they will each receive their order.
We ask that you be patient during the order fulfillment process as it is not an "instantaneous" process. Orders are grouped together in the time period that they are initially placed by the customer and then sent to the product's vendor for the orders to be fulfilled.
Once your order is placed with the product vendor it is processed and then shipped to you.
When your order ships you will be notified and will receive tracking information (tracking number not applicable to to follow your order's shipment. Please be patient and your account will be updated when your order ships.
Again, we cannot provide individual order updates; your account will update itself as soon as any change to your order status occurs.
Did I fill out the wrong form or are they just not offering it any more?
30-03-2006 15:35:54
[quotec2b2579c03="cdcoit1384"]I filled out a ticket for the Gift Card and they sent me a message saying [quotec2b2579c03]Due to the high volume of customer inquiries, we cannot provide each person with a time frame of when they will each receive their order.
We ask that you be patient during the order fulfillment process as it is not an "instantaneous" process. Orders are grouped together in the time period that they are initially placed by the customer and then sent to the product's vendor for the orders to be fulfilled.
Once your order is placed with the product vendor it is processed and then shipped to you.
When your order ships you will be notified and will receive tracking information (tracking number not applicable to to follow your order's shipment. Please be patient and your account will be updated when your order ships.
Again, we cannot provide individual order updates; your account will update itself as soon as any change to your order status occurs.
Did I fill out the wrong form or are they just not offering it any more?[/quotec2b2579c03]
No, that's just the basic message CS sends you. Submit a reply with your original message and you should get a real answer.
30-03-2006 16:12:20
OK Thanks
Can someone who has received the email tell us who it comes from and what their email is, and maybe a little of what it says in the subject and body of the email? I want to be sure it doesn't get marked as spam accidentally.
codex avellum
31-03-2006 10:20:08
the email= it comes from is it comes from is
the subject is Your FREE Gift Certificate from FreePay
31-03-2006 12:00:15
Monday I ordered 4 x $100 best buy gift cards. I recived an email soon after that from them and freepay. The freepay one saying the 360 (gift cards) have been shipped and the gc one giving an order confirmation. So has it shipped. I still havent recived another email from them?