Mike Panic
01-12-2004 13:40:42
i was proccessing since 11.15 - as of 11.05am on 12.1.2004 im now stv
01-12-2004 13:48:53
If only we had a Photo iPods forum...
/me moves this from FreeiPods.com Discussion to FreePhotoiPods.com Discussion
Mike Panic
01-12-2004 13:50:06
doh - didnt even notice we this forum was added
01-12-2004 14:21:05

http/" alt=""/img66.exs.cx/img="66/6062/status.gif[" alt=""/img95b9b4c69c]
01-12-2004 15:34:54
look below, STV. very nice. how long do you think itll take them to ship, took about a moth for freeipods.com to be shipped after i went STV.
01-12-2004 15:40:15
I'm hoping that since we're the first batch, we'll get ours fairly quickly.. Optimistic? Hell yeah )
01-12-2004 15:40:18
[quote354b1cd29b="jfried"]look below, STV. very nice. how long do you think itll take them to ship, took about a moth for freeipods.com to be shipped after i went STV.[/quote354b1cd29b]
which offer did you do?
did you cancel after you did the offer?
01-12-2004 17:24:41
yes im STV
Shipping Information
Order # 4657XX - 12/1/2004 111000 AM
01-12-2004 17:58:44
Looks like I missed STV by a matter of hours... That sucks! At least I didn't get put on hold D
Got in on mine, and my DS4FREE all in the same day.