08-12-2004 00:08:57
ok so im a little new to this.. and i did the video professor offer. and that was 2 days ago, today i looked at the small print and saw that u could be billed if u dont cancel it and send back 2 cds.. u can get billed like 70 bucks if u dont! that got me a little scared so i called em up and canceled it before they shipped the free cds out.. however i did get credit for this offer.
will i still be able to get my ipod in the end????

https//[" alt=""/imga4ef2a53ac]
[img="a4ef2a53ac]https//[" alt=""/imga4ef2a53ac]
08-12-2004 00:23:32
Sure you will. That was the offer I did. I waited like 8 days after I signed up, canceled the offer and sent back the cd's.. And I've had my ipod for about 2 weeks now.. Don't cancel now though.. The faster you cancel, the more suspicious it looks..
08-12-2004 00:23:53
lmao haha nice pics... ight i hope so man.. dont wanna try to go through all this and then they say that i pulled a fast one on them when really i didnt want to... id do another offer if i thought they would think im trying to cheat them. hope this goes through! i wanna ipod! )
xXx My Story xXx
08-12-2004 19:58:57
what song could conjure up such a gay stance?? ) j/k...Props to U man.
08-12-2004 20:49:41
+karma for imitating the commercial without having to be a shadow
09-12-2004 00:38:50
once again proving that you are the man ario, +karmas