07-01-2005 14:48:13
Has anyone tried to advertise their link with Google? Any success? It's not that expensive actually...
07-01-2005 14:49:44
[quote0a77cbaa7b="WannaFS"]Has anyone tried to advertise their link with Google? Any success? It's not that expensive actually...[/quote0a77cbaa7b]
Sees a rush of people signing up to advertise freeipods.com o
07-01-2005 14:51:05
[quote592a039939="Collateral"][quote592a039939="WannaFS"]Has anyone tried to advertise their link with Google? Any success? It's not that expensive actually...[/quote592a039939]
Sees a rush of people signing up to advertise freeipods.com o[/quote592a039939]
LOL!!!! Isnt that the truth plus karma!
07-01-2005 14:51:10
Yes- roll -but does it work?
07-01-2005 15:33:54
how much would is the cost per click?
07-01-2005 15:36:03
a lot...if you get a lot of clicks....I wouldnt do it.
07-01-2005 15:39:08
the only thing i could think of that would be decent would be if more than a few people organized one link to post several referral links on. then maybe it would work out, but then it gets complicated. if anyone has success let us know.
07-01-2005 15:39:19
[quote9aa83b3f8c="stiles05s"]how much would is the cost per click?[/quote9aa83b3f8c]
Whatever you want it to be. They give you a maximum which if you agree to it it means you would appear on all searches at the first position. Usually its a couple of bucks per click, but if you want you could make it a penny a click. It would just mean you wouldn't appear on all searches and would be at a lower position on the list of "Sponsored Links". You also set a daily maximum that you're willing to pay.
I just wonder if anyone has managed to get any referrals this way.
07-01-2005 15:56:04
Costs alot? It costs 5 cents a click. You can also track to see if someone signed up using google ad search. And you can use the maximum dollars a day. so it wont cost a lot...
07-01-2005 16:03:24
But does it work though? I think a lot of people may sign up but I doubt many would complete an offer. Has anyone tried it?
[quote851a8ab104]It costs 5 cents a click[/quote851a8ab104]
well, it actually all depends on the word you choose to index your add. At 5 cents a click with the words 'free' and 'ipod' this is what would happen
[quote851a8ab104]Keyword ; Clicks/Day ; Average Cost-Per-Click ; Cost/Day
free ; 26,000.0 ; $0.05 ; $1,300.00
ipod ; 480.0 ; $0.05 ; $24.00[/quote851a8ab104]
Google recommands a daily budget of about $2000 to advertise with these keywords at the lowest price possible.
And 5c /click is actually the lowest you can pay.
If you only index iPod, that would still be $24/day, but I'd be curious to see what would come out of these predicted 480 clicks. First, I'd be surprised that you got so many clicks because there are so many ads for iPod that I doubt yours would be very visible. But whatever the number of clicks you get, I'd be curious to see how many yellows and how many greens come out of it.
At least, I can see someone has tried it. I'm wondering about his results

http/" alt=""/img.photobucket.com/albums/v310/l0th37/adword.jpg[/img851a8ab104]
edit of course, you can limit your daily budget to get, say 100 clicks at 5c. But I really doubt your ad would come up very often with such a budget (how often and how well placed your ad comes up depends on your daily budget). I actually doubt you'd get the 100 clicks/day.
07-01-2005 16:53:43
Great post I0th! D
Only thing is that part of what determines how much Google charges you is what search terms you use. It probably doesn't make sense to use "free ipod" as a search term because free is an "expensive" word and most people who would search for free ipod probably already know that there are free ipod sites out there and wouldn't google that.
I think the people we are really after are those who don't know about freeipods.com. Like people who are just looking to buy an ipod as a gift or for themselves and would be surprised to find out about the possibility of getting it for free. I think there are still some people like that out there (a few!). Other search terms for google might be cheaper and work well.
Still waiting for someone to step up to the plate and say they tried it! wink
P.S. Who gave me negative karma? twisted