16-02-2005 23:28:43
Hi I did an offer a while back, is this still approved for an offer?

http/" alt=""/[/img8388f531e0]
Another, one of my cousins signed up, didnt complete an offer and didnt use my link, but its still in my section AND its grey...any reason why? Thanks
Oh and anyone know any good ways to get people to go thru all the way? Because I get a lot of people but they dont do offers..
16-02-2005 23:46:00
1. Yes, you did apparently complete your offer.
No idea why your cousin would be listed under you if he didn't sign up under you or complete an offer for you...but eh...I'd say its fine as it is.
And prob. the best way to get people to go through for you at this point would be either to buy them off with outright cash, or to find places online where you can trade for them. Best of luck with the latter, as it seems everyone and their dog has already signed up for an iPod (though not by any means have they all gotten, or even come close to getting one - their fault, not Gratis in most cases).
Anything else you need...feel free to ask questions, I'm still a n00b at this, but I have been lurking here awhile, and I know that I and many of the other fine folks here like me would be more than happy to help you out in any way we can. D
17-02-2005 00:35:07
Another, one of my cousins signed up, didnt complete an offer and didnt use my link, but its still in my section AND its grey...any reason why? Thanks
Your cousin is on-hold shock
What the odd !
17-02-2005 07:10:32
All that shows is that you've done your offer and now you need to refer people
17-02-2005 07:34:39
Read the gratis TOS and you should have no problems. Good Luck
17-02-2005 17:15:45
Thanks. Would my cousin that is on hold, hold me back from getting the gift?