Newest info on Photo iPods
01-03-2005 11:15:28
I spoke with someone at Gratis today. He said that they've still got a lot of 40gb Photos in stock, so they will be shipping those for a while. Once they run out, they will most likely switch to the 60gb.
01-03-2005 11:20:56
Guess there's no point in waiting then. At the rate they ship them out it could be months before they ship them all out. Guess I'll just have to live with the 40GB lol
01-03-2005 11:21:43
I was told that there's no point in waiting.. He said they've got a pretty good stock of the 40's
01-03-2005 11:26:28
I wonder how long... is there any way to find out about how many of these things they ship each week or how many weeks in advance they might order? I'd really like to get one of those new 60's, and I'm willing to wait for it - for a while anyway. If I were to complete the process and get approved, but wait to order, would it be out of the question to think that I would be able to order a new 60 GB version when they begin to offer it? I guess what I'm trying to ask is, would my eligibility for the prize 'time out' if I delayed for too long?
01-03-2005 11:30:05
You could probably just wait it out.. I don't know exactly how much they have, how much they ship out, etc. I guess it depends on how quickly you want it.
01-03-2005 11:53:47
After a quick search on ebay for recently ended auctions, I may be able to get the 40gb, sell it for a little over $400 and buy a new 60gb for a little under $400. Not only would I have a new 60gb photo iPod, but I would (potentially) make a little profit. I realize this sounds odd, but the recently ended auctions show that it could be done - but it would be a hassle. I suppose I'll make a decision once I've gone through the process - no good to make extensive plans if there's a hiccup in the approval process.
01-03-2005 12:03:17
[quotef2b1c6d303="krystophv"]After a quick search on ebay for recently ended auctions, I may be able to get the 40gb, sell it for a little over $400 and buy a new 60gb for a little under $400. Not only would I have a new 60gb photo iPod, but I would (potentially) make a little profit. I realize this sounds odd, but the recently ended auctions show that it could be done - but it would be a hassle. I suppose I'll make a decision once I've gone through the process - no good to make extensive plans if there's a hiccup in the approval process.[/quotef2b1c6d303]
Where did you find a 60GB version for under $400???
01-03-2005 12:21:16
I think i would almost prefer the 40. I don't think the new photo ipods come with the dock, which the 40g included (right?)
01-03-2005 12:31:44
They don't.
And they don't include the cables you need to present slide shows on your television either.
01-03-2005 12:35:35
[quote7cf0d5ee7a="Narakukuku"]They don't.
And they don't include the cables you need to present slide shows on your television either.[/quote7cf0d5ee7a]
They don't but I've never really had any use for the dock and I'll probably never use this to view photos on my TV. That extra 20GB would come in handy though.
01-03-2005 13:18:10
Well, I just received my 40GB Photo iPod (woohoo!) and just got off the phone with the Apple Store about upgrading it to a 60GB version. The guy I talked to said I could get $399 store credit and then pay the difference ($50) for the 60GB version. The kicker is that I'd have to pay a 10% restocking fee so I'd end up paying about $90 to upgrade my 40 to the 60 (doesn't sound so appealing any more).
What I was really interested in though was if the new iPod Camera Connector will work with the old 40GB & 60GB Photo iPods. The Apple Rep said that no information has yet been released on that so he didn't know one way or the other. My gut tells me that it will work with the older versions, anyone have any reason why it wouldn't?
Considering that the 40GB one that I got comes with almost $100 in accessories I'm probably going to keep it (I need the FireWire cable and the AV Cable is nice to have). But I really want to be able to use the iPod Camera Connector. If I can't use the Camera Connector with the 40GB then I'll need to upgrade. Though selling it on eBay or somewhere else seems to be more appealing than exchanging it at an Apple Store considering the restocking fee.
01-03-2005 13:27:51
01-03-2005 13:52:08
Why would you have to pay restocking fee? Did you open it?
Plus - if you're a student, you can get a discount at any apple store with your student ID card. I did this when I exchanged the 20GB iPod for a 40GB one.
Blah, I feel stupid I cancelled my order last week.. well, I hope they ship these fast)
And btw, thank you CG for all your info - I am sure we all appreciate it)
01-03-2005 13:53:58
Really, they'd let you do it through the apple store?? I don't get why they'd charge a restocking fee though, I thought that was only for opened items that you were trying to return, not for closed items or exchanges. I think I'll check it out too, wouldn't mind paying the $50 for an extra 20GB if I can get around the restocking fee.
[quote3a5ce0bc4b="kuwan"]Well, I just received my 40GB Photo iPod (woohoo!) and just got off the phone with the Apple Store about upgrading it to a 60GB version. The guy I talked to said I could get $399 store credit and then pay the difference ($50) for the 60GB version. The kicker is that I'd have to pay a 10% restocking fee so I'd end up paying about $90 to upgrade my 40 to the 60 (doesn't sound so appealing any more).
What I was really interested in though was if the new iPod Camera Connector will work with the old 40GB & 60GB Photo iPods. The Apple Rep said that no information has yet been released on that so he didn't know one way or the other. My gut tells me that it will work with the older versions, anyone have any reason why it wouldn't?
Considering that the 40GB one that I got comes with almost $100 in accessories I'm probably going to keep it (I need the FireWire cable and the AV Cable is nice to have). But I really want to be able to use the iPod Camera Connector. If I can't use the Camera Connector with the 40GB then I'll need to upgrade. Though selling it on eBay or somewhere else seems to be more appealing than exchanging it at an Apple Store considering the restocking fee.[/quote3a5ce0bc4b]
01-03-2005 14:17:01
If you bring it still shrink-wrapped, you will get around the fee, that's what I did last time. Plus, you will get a discount if you're a student
Btw, does anyone know if a dock from a 40GB iPod will work with the newest Photo iPods? I have one from the one that I currently own and it might be worth it to sell the iPod without the dock firewire cable, if it will work)
01-03-2005 14:17:21
Well, I tried to do some digging about the iPod Camera Connector and this was the closest to official that I could find
Apple pipes in new iPods[=http//]Apple pipes in new iPods
[quote8763b2145e]The camera connector, Joswiak said, is a small white plastic device, similar in appearance to a small docking station, that has a cable for connecting to the iPod and a USB port for connecting to a camera. It will work with both the new iPod Photos and with earlier photo player models, Joswiak said.[/quote8763b2145e]
Joswiak is Apple Vice President Greg Joswiak. So it sounds like the Camera Connector will work with the "older" Photo iPods. So now I think I'll keep my 40GB Photo iPod along with my extra $100 of accessories. I also found an
image[=http//]image of what the Camera Connector will look like

http//[" alt=""/img8763b2145e]
01-03-2005 14:35:36
My recommendation keep the old ones, considering that they come with everything necessary to function well. The new ones aren't as nearly well equipped.
01-03-2005 14:53:00
When you take it to the apple store, do you tell them that you bought it somewhere else and want to exchange it with them or just tell them it was a gift or something and you don't have the receipt? Do they care where it came from??
01-03-2005 17:46:33
[quoteded5de2835="CollidgeGraduit"]Once they run out, they will most likely switch to the 60gb.[/quoteded5de2835]
God, I hope not...
I hope you can get more firm info on that in particular. If true, they should do the account resets I recommended.
It's just not fair otherwise...
01-03-2005 18:18:40
[quoteaa6460b9b2="elektrobank"]When you take it to the apple store, do you tell them that you bought it somewhere else and want to exchange it with them or just tell them it was a gift or something and you don't have the receipt? Do they care where it came from??[/quoteaa6460b9b2]
I told them it was a gift from someone, and for obvious reasons I don't have the receipt. Plus, it comes (as was the case with iPods) directly from Apple, so it shouldn't be a problem.
03-03-2005 16:18:48
by the time i finish my greens probably the 60's will be out
07-03-2005 07:40:47
Same here, i only have 2 yellows as of now. ( And the offer i did still has not got credit.