I've got MiniMac shipping info too! :D

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=7709


03-03-2005 13:59:14

[quote72c561c1fe]Yeah the Mac Minis will ship from eFulfillment today.[/quote72c561c1fe]

That's direct from my e-mail with Gratis. See my post in the ipod shuffle forum (http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=7684) for info on how to track it.

Mid-west folks should see it Monday or Tuesday, along with northern east coast people. Central US, add a day. Western US, add another day or 2, depending on how far southwest you are.

Hope this helps!


03-03-2005 14:02:00

That is great news. I should have it by my spring break which is in a week.


03-03-2005 14:13:29

Well, this validates what I came here to write. My flatscreen didn't show as shipped until today, yet it shipped yesterday. I figured there was a good chance that Gratis may just be a little behind and that we'll ship today.

What carrier will bring them?


03-03-2005 14:16:31

Actually, I just re-read your post and checked how to track it. Nothing comes up yet... did it for you?


03-03-2005 14:18:08

nope, hopefully it shows by tomorrow or saturday ) im kool


03-03-2005 14:19:27

Nope nothing for me either. It will probably be later tonight before it will show up. At least that is how I remember it being with my iPOD.


03-03-2005 14:22:33

yes...i get to start of a new week with a mac!


03-03-2005 14:46:59

We'll see) I hope you're right as always CG)


03-03-2005 15:20:22

Thank you so much. x


03-03-2005 15:31:55

So, anyone actually have their tracking info yet? I tried but didnt get anything yet


03-03-2005 15:59:39

nothing yet for me.


03-03-2005 16:06:36

http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=7684 Linkified!


03-03-2005 16:11:27

has anyone got any shipping info using this yet?


03-03-2005 16:18:27

mine doesn't show up yet...


03-03-2005 19:45:06

theres still nothing for my order...


04-03-2005 11:33:10

I guess nobody updated yet?

I know I haven't...


04-03-2005 11:34:27

nothing here also


04-03-2005 13:39:26

Any possibility the check to see if it's shipped trick just isn't gonna work this time around? Otherwise I'm starting to get a wee bit concerned. x

(Though watch everyone start reporting it working as soon as I post this!)


04-03-2005 14:04:53

Well... if it doesn't show up real soon..

I'm guessing we won't ship until next week sometime.


04-03-2005 14:05:01

Yeah, I'm a little concerned too. Could they have been shipped by another carrier?

My flatscreen is sitting at the UPS place and scheduled to arrive Monday. I was hoping to be surprised and get the Mac too... guess that's not going to happen. Man, it's going to suck looking at the monitor with nothing to hook up to it D


04-03-2005 14:09:28

Hey Collidge... anything further from your source?


04-03-2005 14:42:27

Once again, don't be so disappointed. I was supposed to have gone STV , but all of the referrals I paid still have not gone green.


04-03-2005 15:17:57

[quotefdd59da9a7="tyketto"]Hey Collidge... anything further from your source?[/quotefdd59da9a7]

I'm curious too. Did they actually ship? It seems like it's past hours now with no update.


04-03-2005 18:31:17

I'm guessing it's now monday.

Seems pretty late for it to still ship.


04-03-2005 18:54:40

I fearing the same. \


04-03-2005 19:10:44

yea...i was hoping to switch to a mac with the start of next week, but i guess it'll be mid week before we see anything happen.


05-03-2005 07:36:06

Guess it's final now sometime next week.


05-03-2005 09:36:38

Is there a chance they shipped with a different reference number?


05-03-2005 10:37:28

somebody should send a support ticket.. asking if reference # is still the same or something.. noW!


05-03-2005 11:57:30

Lol, go ahead robtizle - I can bet what they will answer you)


05-03-2005 12:54:04

Nobody will reply until monday anyway.