DHL Tracking info is up!
16-03-2005 13:28:10
My DHL Tracking info is up! My expected delivery date is 3/22/05. !!!
16-03-2005 13:35:15
What state do you live in?
GSXR 600
16-03-2005 13:35:58
Nothing here...yet.
16-03-2005 13:43:06
nothing here either
16-03-2005 13:43:30
[quote291dd0c566="cgtennis10"]What state do you live in?[/quote291dd0c566]
16-03-2005 13:46:05
my tracking info is up D
16-03-2005 13:49:41
are we talking about a 6 digit ref number or the tracking #? cause i dont have the latter one.
16-03-2005 13:53:05
[quote4959f8896a="Archon810"]are we talking about a 6 digit ref number or the tracking #? cause i dont have the latter one.[/quote4959f8896a]
I went to the DHL Site and used my six digit order number and zip code and I finally showed up in the system with a week long delivery date...
16-03-2005 14:05:18
nothing for me
16-03-2005 14:06:10
strange...I guess they marked everyone as shipped, and are just shipping them in nice bite-sized installments....
16-03-2005 14:15:25
Mine is up too! Scheduled delivery date of 3/18/05. I live in Ohio.
16-03-2005 15:32:15
[quote06c12bc764="AequitasBG"]Mine is up too! Scheduled delivery date of 3/18/05. I live in Ohio.[/quote06c12bc764]
Package is in transit now, and I have an official DHL tracking #. I was even able to sign up for email notification. Life is good. This calls for a Good Times people!
16-03-2005 16:05:34
usually dhl is quicker than they say... hopefully I'll get mine by saturday (expected delivery 3/22 California)
16-03-2005 17:44:35
[quote4b4d39cfe3="rolandcs"]nothing for me[/quote4b4d39cfe3]almost 9pm est and still nothing for me...
16-03-2005 18:39:15
ditto, nothing for me either. can't wait any longer, head going to explode.
16-03-2005 19:45:10
Perhaps we need to start another "Losers" post...I've got a bad feeling about this. I believe we will still get our shuffles, but I think it may be a week or more. At the rate we are going now, a handful are shipping once a week.
16-03-2005 21:15:22
Mine's shipped and I have the tracking! )
17-03-2005 05:35:52
Does anyone know who the sender on the package is? I made an oopsie and forgot to put the suite number on the order form. If i let the front desk know who it's from (and hopefully the tracking # if i ever get it) they'll hold it for me.
Also, when putting in your 6 digit order number on DHL, do you put a # sign or anything?
17-03-2005 06:46:42
nothing on either site... just shipped on freeipodshuffle
17-03-2005 08:26:06
Does anyone know the origin Zip code? I think that what might be stopping me.
17-03-2005 08:43:13
Just put in your zip code as the recipient. If that doesn't work then you are not in the system
17-03-2005 10:25:01
I didn't get a predicted delivery date, but it did say my shuffle head left South Bend Indiana on its way to Chattanooga at 1259 a.m. this morning.
17-03-2005 22:22:09
[quote1cdc47c4b2="stavros"]Does anyone know who the sender on the package is? I made an oopsie and forgot to put the suite number on the order form. If i let the front desk know who it's from (and hopefully the tracking # if i ever get it) they'll hold it for me.
Also, when putting in your 6 digit order number on DHL, do you put a # sign or anything?[/quote1cdc47c4b2]
eFulfillment from Michigan
and i still can't track my shuffle, maybe it'll just take me by surprise...
17-03-2005 22:44:49
[quote97c68766fb="josiah296"]I didn't get a predicted delivery date, but it did say my shuffle head left South Bend Indiana on its way to Chattanooga at 1259 a.m. this morning.[/quote97c68766fb]
Hahah same here... cept mine was at 3am.
18-03-2005 20:17:09
The now has the tracking # !!! DHL says it was picked up today, so check ur accounts!!!